October 8, 2018 to October 31, 2018 – France Le service DIST de l'Ifsttar lance pendant tout le mois d'octobre une action de communication envers ses chercheurs pour les sensibiliser à l'open access et les convaincre de la nécessité du dépôt de… Organized by IFSTTAR - Service DIST | Type: communications, et, rencontres
October 15, 2018 at 6am to October 28, 2018 at 12pm – Poland The Library at Gdansk University of Technology has organized or co-organized Presentation of the film „Paywall: The Business of Scholarship” that promotes OA to scientific publications (https://tinyu… Organized by Marzena Marcinek | Type: film, webinars, tutorials, posters, promotion
October 15, 2018 at 9pm to November 16, 2018 at 7pm – France Dans le cadre des événements du Cinquantenaire de Paris-Dauphine, la bibliothèque organise cette année sa 2ème édition de l’Open Access Week avec le programme suivant : « Partager pour rayonner : Ve… Organized by BU Paris Dauphine | Type: exposition, exhibition, rencontres, quiz, jeux, vidéos, témoignages
October 17, 2018 at 6pm to October 28, 2018 at 7pm – Spain Como todos los años la Biblioteca de la Universidad de Sevilla se suma a la Semana Internacional del Acceso Abierto con las siguientes actividades: - Organización Taller MDPI que se celebrará el 25 d… Organized by Mª Victoria Puy Moreno | Type: taller, noticias
October 18, 2018 at 6pm to October 28, 2018 at 7pm – Spain Many activities and initiatives will take place during the OAW18. Take a look to the programme: https://apps.bibliotecnica.upc.edu/informacions/SGB/S306/index.php Organized by Anna Rovira | Type: open, access, week, 2018, activities
October 19, 2018 at 10am to October 25, 2018 at 4pm – Colombia (PROGRAMACIÓN PARCIAL) Lugar: Biblioteca UdeA - Transmisión vía Streaming VIERNES 19 de OCTUBRE. 10 A.M. Conversatorio de Investigación: Ciencia abierta desde los datos abiertos y la investigació… Organized by Alejandro Uribe Tirado | Type: semana, internacional, acceso, abierto, universidad, de, antioquia, medellín-colombia
October 20, 2018 to October 26, 2018 – French Guiana Lancement d'un Halckathon : pendant deux semaines, les chercheurs peuvent envoyer librement leurs publications à la bibliothèque universitaire, et celle-ci s'engage à les déposer en vérifiant au préa… Organized by Marie Latour | Type: halckathon
October 21, 2018 to October 28, 2018 – Poland The Coalition for Open Education and the EBIB Association will: print a poster, leaflets and labels to promote OA and send them to the institutions which organize OA events organize four workshops… Organized by The Coalition for Open Education and the EBIB Association | Type: promotion
October 21, 2018 to October 28, 2018 – Italy to promote open access resources and access to open data for autonomous fact checking of citizens, we launch the first "Crowd-SEArching BiblioVerifica", it is a participatory space to propose sites a… Organized by Damiano Orru | Type: crowdsearching
October 21, 2018 at 12pm to October 22, 2018 at 1pm – United Kingdom Have a chat with your Academic Engagement Librarians to find how the Library can support you in publishing your research Open Access at one of our three pop-up events. No need to book; just drop-in… Organized by Rachel Garraway, University of Manchester Library | Type: pop-up, event
October 22, 2018 to October 26, 2018 – United States of America This year's Open Access Week events will take place throughout the week of October 22 through October 26, 2018. The events will be held at various locations on the Fayetteville State University campu… Organized by Dr. Linda Wilson-Jones | Type: publishing, in, open, access, journals:, transforming, research, globally
October 22, 2018 to November 9, 2018 – United Kingdom To coincide with OpenAccess week we are launching our online course on Research Impact: Making a Difference. Universities worldwide are committed to realising the economic and societal impact of thei… Organized by Nicol Keith | Type: online, course, -, mooc
October 22, 2018 to October 28, 2018 – Germany Während der Internationalen Open-Access-Week vom 22. bis zum 28. Oktober bietet eine Posterausstellung im Lernraum der Bibliothek einen Überblick über das Thema Open Access. Im Erdgeschoss der Bibli… Organized by TH-Bibliothek Aschaffenburg | Type: exhibition, poster, session
October 22, 2018 to October 28, 2018 – Bangladesh As part of the Wikipedia Open Access Week edit-a-thon, there will be an edit-a-thon in the Bangla Wikipedia. The edit-a-thon aims to increase contents on Open Access related topics as well as enhance… Organized by Wikimedia Bangladesh | Type: online
October 22, 2018 to October 25, 2018 – Peru La Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú con la colaboración de la Universidad del Rosario (Colombia), la Universidad de Costa Rica (Costa Rica), la Universidad Federal de Río Grande del Sur (Bras… Organized by Meilyn Garro | Type: conferencias, talleres
October 22, 2018 to October 26, 2018 – Costa Rica Una semana con expertas nacionales e internacionales para abordar los desafíos de la investigación para compartir datos científicos. Ver calendario completo del evento en https://ucrindex.ucr.ac.cr/?… Organized by Meilyn Garro | Type: talleres, conferencias
October 22, 2018 to October 26, 2018 – Belgium As has become a yearly habit, OpenAIRE and FOSTER are launching a new series of webinars and tutorials during Open Access Week 2018 (October 22 - 26). This year, we’re going for an interactive, mi… Organized by OpenAIRE and FOSTER | Type: researchers
October 22, 2018 to October 26, 2018 – Germany The Medical Library at the Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin is displaying an Open Access poster collection at the Campus Virchow Klinikum branch. The exhibition informs visitors (mostly students!… Organized by Open Access Team, Medizinische Bibliothek | Type: poster, exhibition
October 22, 2018 to October 28, 2018 – France Open Access Week 2018 Université Paris1 Panthéon Sorbonne Du 22 au 28 octobre, à l’occasion de la 11ème semaine internationale de l’accès ouvert, les bibliothécaires de Paris1 aident chercheurs, ense… Organized by Mission appui à la recherche. Service Commun de documentation | Type: atelier
October 22, 2018 to October 26, 2018 – Germany Open Access Week an der UA Ruhr Die 3 Universitätsbibliotheken Bochum, Dortmund und Duisburg-Essen beteiligen sich an der diesjährigen Open Access Week mit Posterausstellungen, Blogbeiträgen und Coff… Organized by Katrin Falkenstein-Feldhoff | Type: poster, lectures, blog
October 22, 2018 to October 25, 2018 – Germany Während der Internationalen Open-Access-Week vom 22. bis zum 26. Oktober 2018 bieten die Bibliothek, das Rechenzentrum, das Institut für Technische Bildung und Hochschuldidaktik der TU Hamburg zahlre… Organized by openTUHH | Type: präsentationen, und, workshops
October 22, 2018 to October 29, 2018 – Poland The Library of Wroclaw University of Technology will disseminate OA posters at the University. Organized by The Library of Wroclaw University of Technology | Type: poster, events
October 22, 2018 to October 28, 2018 – Deutschland We continue the interview series from the previous year: We have asked scholars from TU Berlin researchers „What do you think about Open Access?“ This week you can read three new interviews on our Op… Organized by TU Berlin, University Library | Type: interview
October 22, 2018 to October 28, 2018 – Poland The Pomeranian University in Słupsk organizes laboratory workshops for first-year students of the faculties of Mathematics and Management. Students will learn how to find, use and quote OA resources,… Organized by Ewa Białek, Pomeranian Uniwersity | Type: laboratory
October 22, 2018 to October 28, 2018 – Australia University of New South Wales: Open Access Week events What does Open Access mean to our researchers? This year UNSW Library will be sharing what it means to our researchers in their own words during… Organized by Fiona Bradley | Type: competition, event
October 22, 2018 to October 26, 2018 – United Kingdom At Aberystwyth we are using Open Access Week/Wythnos Mynediad Agored to ‘softly’ launch our new Aberystwyth Research Portal: We are hosting 3 scholarly communications sessions And our monthly OA news… Organized by openaccess@aber | Type: launch
October 22, 2018 to October 26, 2018 – Canada The exhibit will illustrate the True Cost of Research by investigating the cost of the cited references (70) in a published article authored by a UPEI faculty member. Seventy articles will be posted… Organized by Kim Mears | Type: exhibit
October 22, 2018 to October 23, 2018 – am https://www.facebook.com/IIBI.UNAM.MX/videos/563678670718274/UzpfSTExMjE0Mzc3MjA6MTAyMTcxNDUzNDQ4NDIwMTM/ Organized by Dr. Filiberto Felipe Martínez Arellano | Type: jornada
October 22, 2018 to October 28, 2018 – Germany Open access to knowledge is the subject of a one-week poster exhibition in the university library. On display are portraits of selected members of TU Berlin as well as posters focusing on different a… Organized by TU Berlin, University Library | Type: poster, exhibition
October 22, 2018 to October 28, 2018 – Switzerland Publishing house SciPress Ltd is pleased to announce our participation in the 2018 International Open Access Week that will be held October 22-28. We would like to report the scientific global commun… Organized by SciPress Ltd. | Type: open, access, publishing, oa, information
October 22, 2018 to October 28, 2018 – Germany Vom 22. bis 28. Oktober informiert die Universitätsbibliothek Passau im Foyer der Zentralbibliothek mit Kurzvorträgen und einer Posterausstellung über die wichtigsten Aspekte von Open Access. Die Un… Organized by University Library, University of Passau | Type: posterpräsentation, und, kurzvorträge
October 22, 2018 to October 26, 2018 – Germany Mitarbeiteraustausch in Partnereinrichtungen nach Pilsen, individuelle Beratungsangebote für Wissenschaftler und verschiedene Aktionen auf Twitter sowie ein ORCID-Sprint. Das sind Aktivitäten der Uni… Organized by Ute Blumtritt | Type: staff, exchange, posts, orcid-sprint
October 22, 2018 to October 28, 2018 – Japan A real-life room escape game in the University Library with a storyline describing struggle of a village of wine violated by mineral poisoning in analogy to Open Access. Organized by SUGITA Shigeki | Type: real-life, room, escape
October 22, 2018 to October 28, 2018 – United States of America Throughout OA Week October 22-28 Scholastica will be hosting a free-flowing Twitter discussion about the relationship between academic-led publishing and equitable open access using the hashtag #Acad… Organized by Scholastica | Type: twitter, chat
October 22, 2018 to October 26, 2018 – United States of America University of Houston Libraries will host three events to promote open access and to highlight University initiatives related to open access. October 23: Alternative Textbook Incentive Program Recep… Organized by UH Open Access Working Group | Type: reception, student, drive, lecture
October 22, 2018 all day – Poland The Library of Warsaw School of Economics celebrates Open Science Day with seminars, information on OA and promotion of the institutional open repository Organized by The Library of Warsaw School of Economics | Type: seminars, information, promotion
October 22, 2018 to October 26, 2018 – Germany Die Universitätsbibliothek Kassel bietet im Rahmen der diesjährigen Open Access Week einen kurzen Einblick in die Vielfalt aktueller Entwicklungen, Initiativen und Möglichkeiten, indem täglich einen… Organized by Arvid Deppe | Type: blog, series
October 22, 2018 at 6am to October 28, 2018 at 12pm – Germany Während der Internationalen Open-Access-Woche vom 22. bis zum 28. Oktober bietet ein Informationsstand im Foyer der Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Münster einen breiten Überblick über das Thema u… Organized by Publikationsdienste der ULB Münster | Type: poster, exhibition, blog, posts, movie, screening
October 22, 2018 at 7am to October 28, 2018 at 12pm – Poland Zielona Gora University Library organized a series of presentations or workshops (incl. a workshop o on publishing on CC lcenses) and has disseminated OA information and posters thrughout the univers… Organized by Agnieszka Goszczńska, Zielona Gora University Library | Type: workshop, information, posters
October 22, 2018 from 8:30am to 11am – United States of America Learn about Open Access with Coffee, snacks, and swag. Franklin Atrium, Pattee Library Organized by Open Access Outreach Team | Type: outreach, open, awareness
October 22, 2018 from 8:30am to 12:30pm – Qatar This workshop is organised within the series of events celebrating the International Open Access Week in 2018 brought to you by UCL Qatar, QNL and the Qatar University Library (Open Access in Qatar:… Organized by UCL Qatar, Qatar University Library | Type: practical, workshop
October 22, 2018 at 9am to October 26, 2018 at 7pm – France 10/22 L'Open access : actualité et enjeux Mon double numérique : l'identité numérique du chercheur 10/23 L'Open access et moi (table ronde) 10/24-25 Formations aux doctorants : bibliométrie, di… Organized by Service à la recherche - Bibliothèque universitaire de Cergy-Pontoise | Type: conference, workshop, games, meeting, round-table
October 22, 2018 from 9am to 1pm – Poland The workshop on OA , types of CC and other legal issues in opening science (especially publications and raw data) will be led by Natalia Mileszyk – a lawyer from the Digital Centre. Organized by Iwona Sójkowska | Type: workshop, promotional, event
October 22, 2018 at 9am to October 28, 2018 at 3pm – Poland workshops on open educational resources and digital libraries OA Seminar on open access to culture and science film that promotes Open Access Week 2018 Organized by | Type: workshops, seminar, film
October 22, 2018 from 10am to 5pm – United States of America Open Science Framework Workshop Sponsored by Countway Library, Harvard Program in Therapeutic Science (HiTS), Office of Basic Science There are many actions researchers can take to increase the open… Organized by Julie Goldman | Type: workshop
October 22, 2018 at 10am to October 24, 2018 at 6pm – Italy Open Access Week @Politecnico di Torino, Italy - 22/24 October 2018 From 22 to 24 October 2018, during the International Open Access Week, Turin Polytechnic will host a cycle of seminars about Open A… Organized by Politecnico di Torino | Type: conference, seminars
October 22, 2018 at 10am to October 26, 2018 at 2pm – Mexico La Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México a través de la Secretaría de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados y la Oficina de Conocimiento Abierto les hacen una cordial invitación al evento de la Sema… Organized by Oficina de Conocimiento Abierto | Type: académico
October 22, 2018 from 10am to 12pm – Poland The library of Cracow University of Technology invites PhD students and all other students, librarians, academic staff interested in Open science for the workshop on open science. More information ab… Organized by Marta Stąporek & Joanna Radzicka, CUT Library | Type: workshop
October 22, 2018 from 10am to 12:30pm – Poland The Information and Library Centre of the Medical University of Lodz organizes a seminar on opening the university. Organized by The Information and Library Centre of the Medical University in Lodz | Type: seminar
October 22, 2018 at 11am to October 23, 2018 at 1pm – 1 Please join Indiana University Libraries, Scholarly Communication Department, IU MoneySmarts, and Teaching and Learning Department and others in the Learning Commons to learn all about Open Access, w… Organized by Sarah Hare | Type: presentation
October 22, 2018 from 11am to 12:30pm – 30 In the first half of the presentation we will raise awareness on the importance of adopting an Open Access policies, publishing in open access, the institutional repository, open research data and o… Organized by American University of Beirut Library - Dalal Rahme- Data services Librarian | Type: presentation, and, discussion
October 22, 2018 from 11am to 12pm – Sweden Researcher or PhD student at Uppsala university? Drop in between 11-12 to ask library staff any questions you might have regarding Open Access, get involved and learn more about what Open Access migh… Organized by Madeleine Söderberg, Uppsala University Library | Type: discussions
October 22, 2018 at 11am to October 26, 2018 at 1pm – United States of America Open Access Week Activities Celebrate Open Access Week 2018 at Mitchell Community College (MCC), October 22-26, 2018. Open Access (OA) literature is digital, online, free of charge, and free of mo… Organized by Meredith Blair Moore | Type: discussion, lecture, accessing, and, movie
October 22, 2018 from 11am to 1:15pm – Poland The Library of the University of Lodz organizes a workshop addressed to students - future teachers. It focuses on how to use open educational resources in teaching practice and shows the advantages o… Organized by Kamil Śliwowski | Type: workshop
October 22, 2018 from 11:45am to 1pm – United States of America Please Register! Join the Dartmouth Library and the Office of Institutional Diversity and Equity for a panel discussion exploring Equity in Information Access at Dartmouth and Regionally. This panel… Organized by Jen Green, Digital Scholarship Librarian and the Office of Institutional Diversity and Equity | Type: panel, session
October 22, 2018 from 12pm to 1pm – United States of America Oklahoma State University, Edmon Low Library, Room 109H "Increase the Visibility of Your Scholarship" This session will provide a general overview of open access in the context of changes in the poli… Organized by Clarke Iakovakis | Type: presentation
October 22, 2018 at 12pm to October 26, 2018 at 5pm – United States of America Towson University's Open Access Week events will be held at various locations across campus, including Cook Library, the College of Liberal Arts, and Hawkins Hall during the week of October 22-26, 20… Organized by Rick Davis | Type: film, screening, webinar, presentation, discussion
October 22, 2018 at 12pm to October 26, 2018 at 1pm – Lebanon Organized by Notre Dame University-Louaize Libraries | Type: presentations, &, discussions
October 22, 2018 from 12:30pm to 1pm – Germany Speech and poster walk. Organized by TUB TUHH (https://www.tub.tuhh.de) | Type: presentation, and, discussion
October 22, 2018 from 1pm to 3pm – Iran In this workshop, Alireza Salehi Nejad elaborates on the concept of open science, what encourages authors to choose open access publishing, and explores whether there are any specific points to consi… Organized by University of Tehran | Type: workshop
October 22, 2018 from 1pm to 3pm – Canada Join us for cake, opening remarks, and to explore what it means to be open! There will be an accompanying art show of data visualizations about open access or made using open data. Musical performanc… Organized by Western Libraries | Type: reception/party
October 22, 2018 at 1pm to October 25, 2018 at 5pm – 5 Maison de la recherche 28 rue Serpente, Paris 6e Mardi 23 et mercredi 24 octobre de 13h à 17h À la découverte de l’Open Access Venez discuter autour d’un café avec notre équipe des enjeux de la scie… Organized by SCD Sorbonne Université | Type: open, access, week
October 22, 2018 from 1pm to 2pm – United States of America Oklahoma State University, Edmon Low Library, Room 109H "Publishing in Open Access Journals: Identifying Quality Journals and Avoiding Unethical Publishers" This session will provide some general too… Organized by Clarke Iakovakis | Type: presentation
October 22, 2018 from 1pm to 1:15pm – Germany Coffee Lecture im Foyer TIB Technik/Naturwissenschaften. Organized by Stefan Schmeja | Type: presentation
October 22, 2018 from 1pm to 3pm – Poland Nicolaus Copernicus University Library in Torun organizes several events during the OA Week. One of them is the lecture on open source content management systems for open science. Organized by Dr Dominik Mirosław Piotrowsk | Type: lecture
October 22, 2018 from 1pm to 2:30pm – United States of America A look at complex issues around who creates scholarship, how it is distributed, who has access, and who pays for it all. Organized by Open Access Outreach Taskforce | Type: screening, outreach
October 22, 2018 from 2pm to 6pm – Germany Anlässlich der internationalen Open Access Week findet am 22. Oktober 2018 im Seminarzentrum der Freien Universität die Veranstaltung „Geschlechter-Effekte und wissenschaftliches Publizieren“ statt.… Organized by Christina Riesenweber | Type: lectures, discussion
October 22, 2018 from 2pm to 7pm – France Le 22 oct 2018 à l'Université d'Angers, venez approfondir vos connaissances sur l'Open Access avec des experts du domaine : Lionel Maurel, Chargé de la valorisation de l'Information Scientifique et… Organized by Maxence Larrieu | Type: journée, d'étude
October 22, 2018 from 2pm to 2:30pm – Germany Die Bibliothek der Technischen Universität Hamburg gewährt einen Blick hinter die Kulissen. Organized by TUB TUHH (https://www.tub.tuhh.de) | Type: präsentation
October 22, 2018 from 2:30pm to 3:30pm – United States of America Why is Wikipedia relevant? Who edits Wikipedia? How can lack of diversity in editors lead to bias? How can you contribute your own writing and expertise to the project? In celebration of Open Access… Organized by Jen Green, Laura Braunstein, and Madeline Miller | Type: workshop
October 22, 2018 from 3:30pm to 5pm – Canada In celebration of Open Access Week, MacEwan University Library invites you to a free screening of Paywall: The Business of Scholarship. Following the film, Sandy Stift, Associate Dean, Collections Se… Organized by Robyn Hall | Type: film, screening
October 22, 2018 at 4pm to October 26, 2018 at 12am – French Guiana Formation des doctorants de l'Ecole doctorale « Diversités, santé et développement en Amazonie » aux enjeux et problématiques de l'évaluation de la recherche dans l'Open Access (10 heures) Organized by Marie Latour | Type: formation
October 22, 2018 from 5:30pm to 7:30pm – French Guiana Conférence d’Annaïg Mahé, Maître de conférences en Sciences de l’information et de la communication à l’URFIST de Paris et à l’Ecole des Chartes, Chercheur dans l’équipe DICEN (EA 4420), sur le sujet… Organized by Marie Latour | Type: conférence
October 22, 2018 at 6pm to October 25, 2018 at 7pm – United States of America Learn: What is open access? Why should you care about open access How open access effects both you and the scholarly community What are predatory publishers? How to assess journals and email solicit… Organized by Cecilia Dalzell and Librarians | Type: workshops
October 22, 2018 at 6pm to July 15, 2019 at 7pm – France Les bibliothécaires de la DBIST de l'UVSQ, responsables de l'archive ouverte HAL-UVSQ depuis 2015 sont persuadé·e·s que pour faire avancer l'Open Access et la Science ouverte de façon équitable, il f… Organized by Direction des Bibliothèques et de l'IST, UVSQ | Type: communication, rencontres
October 22, 2018 at 6pm to October 25, 2018 at 7pm – United States of America Win earbuds all week at the Research Help Office with Open Access Trivia Visit the Research Help Office on the upper level of the library October 22 through October 25 between 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. with… Organized by Alicia Esquivel | Type: workshop
October 22, 2018 at 6pm to October 1, 2019 at 7pm – Poland A series of interviews with Polish scientists who support OA and provide OA do their publications. The interviews are accessible in Open Science canal of the YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/… Organized by Borys Kozielski, Coalition for Open Science | Type: interviews
October 22, 2018 at 8pm to October 26, 2018 at 5pm – United States of America This year's Open Access Week events will take place throughout the week of October 22 through October 26, 2018. They will be held at various locations on the University of Hawaii at Manoa campus. Organized by Beth Tillinghast | Type: open, access, week, activities
October 22, 2018 at 10pm to October 26, 2018 at 4pm – Cuba Our event will organize four activities to raise awareness of the issue of access to scholarly research. Organized by Yohannis Marti Lahera | Type: workshops
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