October 22, 2021 to October 31, 2021 – Germany As part of Open Access Week 2021 Chemnitz University Library is organizing different highlights. We will have an online discussion with our scientists to share publication experiences. A poster exhib… Organized by | Type: video, discussion, blogposts
October 24, 2021 at 9am to October 28, 2021 at 4pm – Saudi Arabia There will be an exhibit all week (9:00am to 4:00 pm) in the library lobby with information about open access, the KAUST open access policy, and the library’s new open access publishing agreements. D… Organized by Mohamed Baessa | Type: exhibition
October 25, 2021 to October 29, 2021 – Germany The Charité Medical Library cordially invites you to participate in short "Lightning Talks", some in the English language and some in German. Among others, Prof. Konrad Förstner from the ZB MED, Dr.… Organized by Jenny Delasalle | Type: multiple, lightning, talks
October 25, 2021 to October 31, 2021 – Germany #OSciBarGoesCologne! The Barcamp was organized by students of TH Köln together with ZB MED - Information Center Life Sciences. It took place online from June 25 to 26, 2021. Afterwards, the students… Organized by ZB MED - Information Centre for Life Sciences | Type: blogposts, about, open, science
October 25, 2021 to October 31, 2021 – Germany We continue the interview series from the previous years: We have asked TU Berlin researchers „What do you think about Open Access?“ During open access week you can read new interviews on our blog "… Organized by TU Berlin, University Library | Type: interview, blog, online
October 25, 2021 to October 31, 2021 – Germany Open access to knowledge is the subject of a one-week poster exhibition on the University Library's Flickr profile. On display are portraits of selected TU members and posters that address open acces… Organized by TU Berlin, University Library | Type: poster, exhibition, online
October 25, 2021 to October 29, 2021 – France Dans le cadre de l'évènement international Open Access Week du 25 au 30 octobre, le département Publications & Open Access propose aux chercheurs, enseignants chercheurs, personnel d'appui à la r… Organized by Sorbonne Université | Type: formation
October 25, 2021 to October 29, 2021 – France Dans le cadre de l’Open Access Week 2021, les SCD de l’université de Bourgogne et de l'université de Franche-Comté, Agrosup Dijon et la MSHE Ledoux s’associent à l’équipe dat@UBFC pour proposer chaqu… Organized by Sylvie Damy | Type: présentations, courtes, -, short, presentations
October 25, 2021 to October 30, 2021 – Germany - by Karin Groth (Hamburg State and University Library) You may have heard of the ORCID iD (Open Researcher and Contributor iD), but not really know what they are for and how to create an iD. The iD… Organized by SUB Hamburg Open Science Unit | Type: blogpost
October 25, 2021 to October 29, 2021 – am Throughout OA Week, we’ll be posting a series of interviews with Scholastica users on how they’re factoring structural equity into OA publication planning and advice for scholarly organizations looki… Organized by Scholastica | Type: blog, series
October 25, 2021 at 7am to October 31, 2021 at 7pm – Poland Gdańsk University of Technology Library will present a series of events with topics related to open publishing, open science and data sharing such as: tematical posts and tweets prepared by the Libra… Organized by Gdańsk University of Technology Library | Type: open, access, week
October 25, 2021 at 8am to October 29, 2021 at 12pm – am En su 10 aniversario, la X Conferencia Internacional BIREDIAL-ISTEC se realizará en modalidad virtual desde el Instituto Nacional de Astrofísica, Óptica y Electrónica (INAOE), durante la Semana de A… Organized by BIREDIAL-ISTEC | Type: international, conference
October 25, 2021 at 9am to October 29, 2021 at 3pm – Mexico La Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México a través de la Secretaría de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados y la Oficina de Conocimiento Abierto les hacen una cordial invitación al evento de la Sema… Organized by Oficina de Conocimiento Abierto | Type: académico
October 25, 2021 at 9:30am to October 28, 2021 at 6:30pm – France L’archive ouverte HAL Bordeaux Montaigne fête ses 2 ans ! Grâce à la contribution de toutes et de tous, le dépôt en archives ouvertes de publications de l’Université Bordeaux Montaigne n’a fait qu’au… Organized by Service Commun de Documentation et la Direction de la Recherche de l'Université Bordeaux Montaigne | Type: ateliers, session
October 25, 2021 at 10am to October 29, 2021 at 5pm – Lebanon AUB will celebrate Open Access Week 2021 with a series of webinars related to: - OA publishing - Self-Archiving - Open Educational Resources Organized by AUB Libraries - Dalal Rahme | Type: series, of, webinars
October 25, 2021 at 10am to October 29, 2021 at 4pm – Norway In collaboration with several Norwegian academic libraries, RDA (Research Data Alliance) Norway and ELIXIR Norway, Bergen University Library presents a series of events with topics related to open pu… Organized by University of Bergen Library | Type: webinar
October 25, 2021 at 10am to October 31, 2021 at 7pm – United Kingdom In celebration of OA week, the University of Derby library will be launching the Research Liaison Team Open Knowledge Podcast, hosted by Holly Limbert, the University's Repository and Open Access Lib… Organized by Holly Limbert | Type: podcast
October 25, 2021 at 12pm to October 28, 2021 at 12:45pm – 45 Kennesaw State University Libraries is proud to present programming for this year’s Open Access Week 2021! Virtual presentations will take place every weekday from October 25-28. Each presentation wi… Organized by Chelsee Dickson | Type: virtual, events, to, celebrate, open, access, week
October 25, 2021 at 12pm to November 5, 2021 at 1pm – 1 During international Open Access Week 2021, we are pleased to launch a series of lunch talks on the topic of Open Science. From 25 October to 5 November, you are invited to discuss with experts from… Organized by Data Services and Open Access, Main Library UZH | Type: lunch, talks
October 25, 2021 at 1pm to October 27, 2021 at 4:30pm – Singapore The virtual 6th meeting of COAR Asia OA will be held 25-27 October 2021. The meeting will discuss the latest trends in open access and open scholarship, with community updates from Asia. Topics inclu… Organized by Singapore Alliance of University Libraries (SAUL) Research Services Taskforce | Type: webinar
October 25, 2021 at 2pm to October 26, 2021 at 1pm – pm Dans le cadre de l'Open Access Week, le service de Formation-Appui à la Recherche de la BU de La Rochelle prend l’initiative cette année de fêter l’évènement. Que vous soyez étudiant·e, doctorant·e… Organized by BU La Rochelle | Type: open, access, week
October 25, 2021 at 4pm to October 29, 2021 at 4pm – Ukraine Events that will be held on the online and offline platforms of the KPI Library: 25th of October, 16:00 Online event in the format of Q&A session – «Open Science. Open Access. Open Data». 26th o… Organized by Evgeniia Kulyk | Type: webinars
October 25, 2021 at 6pm to October 27, 2021 at 7pm – France HALathon : les 25, 26 et 27 octobre 2021, déposez ou faites déposer du texte intégral dans HAL-URCA ! La Bibliothèque universitaire est à vos côtés pour vous aider à déposer ou pour déposer les texte… Organized by BU université de Reims | Type: open, archive, deposit, session
October 26, 2021 to October 28, 2021 – Senegal Dans le cadre du projet FSPI Open OPSE https://lped.info/wikiObsSN/?AcCueil, une formation sur la gestion et l’ouverture des données de recherche est organisée à destination des personnes rattachées… Organized by Pascal Aventurier IRD / Laurence Fleury Valérie Delaunay | Type: training, session
October 26, 2021 to October 30, 2021 – Poland Open Access Week 2021 at the (Library&) Medical University of Silesia in Katowice, October 25-31, 2021 This year's theme of the Open Access Week ("It Matters How We Open Knowledge: Building Struc… Organized by SUM Main Library | Type: online
October 26, 2021 to October 31, 2021 – United States of America For 2021, we're bringing back Open Axis: The Video Game. The international sensation uses a choose-your-own-adventure-style narrative. Play as an undergraduate, graduate student, or faculty researche… Organized by Jennifer Chan | Type: video, game
October 26, 2021 from 7:30am to 1:30pm – United States of America Open Access Today and Tomorrow, on October 26th, will bring together researchers, funders, institutions, librarians, publishers and open access advocates in a day-long virtual conference. Participant… Organized by ACS Publications | Type: webinar
October 26, 2021 from 8am to 9am – Mexico El objetivo de BIREDIAL-ISTEC ha sido promover la iniciativa de Acceso Abierto, la visibilidad institucional latinoamericana. y a partir de este año 2021, estaremos comprometidos con la promoción de… Organized by Instituto Nacional de Astrofísica (INAOE), México | Type: conference
October 26, 2021 from 9:30am to 11am – Argentina Presentación del portal “Derecho de Autor”Panelistas:Beatríz Busaniche - Presidenta de Fundación Vía LibreMaría Clara Lima - Directora de Propiedad Intelectual (UNLP)Leandro Sorbello - Coordinador UT… Organized by Bibliotecas UNCUYO | Type: webinar
October 26, 2021 from 10am to 12:30pm – South Africa North-West University takes part in Open Access Week 2021 by presenting on a variety of topics regarding "It Matters How We Open Knowledge: Building Structural Equity". Events will take place via Zoo… Organized by Tiyani Mabunda: Director Open Scholarship | Type: colloquium, presentations
October 26, 2021 from 10am to 11:30am – am As part of this year’s Open Access Week, several Norwegian academic libraries, together with RDA (Research Data Alliance) Norway, present a number of events with topics related to open publishing, op… Organized by RDA in Norway | Type: webinar
October 26, 2021 from 10am to 11am – Canada Meet the ICER Press! The Institute for Community Engaged Research (ICER) Press strives to support and promote the publication of open access scholarship focused on community-engaged research that ill… Organized by Open UBC | Type: panel
October 26, 2021 from 10am to 10:30am – Latvia A short online seminar targets the social sciences and humanities researchers and Ph.D. students, information and data specialists, as well as other Latvian scientific community members: personnel of… Organized by OpenAIRE NOAD and Library of the University of Latvia | Type: coffee-break, webinar
October 26, 2021 from 10am to 10:45am – Canada This is an OA Week 2021 event hosted by Leddy Library, University of Windsor and open to all interested, via Microsoft Teams. Anyone can join a Teams meeting. Coalition Publica (coalition-publi.ca) i… Organized by Pascal Calarco | Type: webinar, --, all, are, welcome!
October 26, 2021 from 10am to 10:30am – Germany In this online event, Dr. Tim Boxhammer, natural scientist and employee of the Hamburg State and University Library, uses his ORCID profile to explain the benefits for you as a scholar resulting from… Organized by SUB Hamburg Open Science Unit | Type: online, talk
October 26, 2021 from 11am to 12pm – Germany After many months of isolation working from home, we would like to invite researchers and students of TU Berlin to meet us. We want to introduce ourselves and our work on Open Science and related iss… Organized by TU Berlin, University Library | Type: online, virtual, speed-meeting, meet-up, webinar
October 26, 2021 from 11am to 3pm – am Des questions sur la science ouverte ? Envie d’en savoir plus ? Retrouvez-nous dans le hall de la Maison de la Recherche de Sorbonne Université (Faculté des Lettres) Organized by Sorbonne Université | Type: stand
October 26, 2021 from 11am to 1pm – Italy [webinar in Italian] Con Claudio Aspesi e un video di Bjoern Brembs – modera Elena Giglia SPARC (Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition) segue con preoccupazione da anni i cambiamenti… Organized by Elena Giglia | Type: webinar, [oa, week, 2021]
October 26, 2021 at 11am to October 28, 2021 at 6pm – France Dans le cadre de l'Open Access Week, la BU de l'université Paris 8 propose trois manifestations autour de la science ouverte et de l'ouverture des données de la recherche : deux ateliers pratiques co… Organized by Anna Acquistapace - Goran Sekulovski | Type: research, open, access, week
October 26, 2021 from 12pm to 1pm – Switzerland Join this online event to discover the new Open Access Compliance Check Tool (OACCT) that will guide you in deciding where and how to publish your research in agreement with funders’ and institutiona… Organized by EPFL Library | Type: webinar
October 26, 2021 from 12pm to 1pm – Australia Register NOW Organized by Open Access Australasia | Type: zoom, panel, facilitated discussion
October 26, 2021 from 12pm to 1pm – United States of America The Penn State University Libraries present an online talk by Natalia Norori, a global health and open access expert, in celebration of Open Access Week. Norori will speak on the topic, "Opening Know… Organized by Ana Enriquez | Type: virtual, talk
October 26, 2021 from 12pm to 1pm – 1 Tuesday, October 26, from 12:00-1:00 pm ET via ZoomJoin us to hear a live, moderated discussion with two experts who will provide a broad overview of the many reasons why open access and open science… Organized by Adriene Lim | Type: education, and, awareness, panel
October 26, 2021 from 12pm to 1pm – Mexico Evento de difusión sobre Ciencia Abierta. Conversatorio de aspectos generales, enfocado a alumnos y alumnas de bibliotecología y público interesado en el tema. Nuestras invitadas darán a conocer expe… Organized by Michelle Rosas | Type: conversatorio, de, divulgación
October 26, 2021 from 12pm to 1pm – Saudi Arabia The library organizes several "Lunch & Learn" sessions during the OA week. In this session, Prof. Ravi Samtaney (KAUST faculty and dean of PSE) will introduce the session topic "DORA" to KAUST re… Organized by KAUST Library | Type: panel, discussion
October 26, 2021 from 1:30pm to 2:30pm – Chile En el contexto de la Semana Internacional del Acceso abierto de finales de octubre de 2021, la Facultad de Humanidades y Comunicaciones de la Universidad Finis Terrae, llevará a cabo un coloquio diri… Organized by Universidad Finis Terrae | Type: conference
October 26, 2021 from 2pm to 3pm – Canada Would you like to learn more about open education and open educational resources but don’t know where to start? This introductory workshop is for you. This session will provide an overview to th… Organized by Open UBC | Type: webinar
October 26, 2021 from 2pm to 4pm – Turkey Uluslararası Açık Erişim Haftası etkinliklerini Aperta Türkiye Açık Arşivi’nin lansmanı ile kutluyoruz. Açılış Konuşması Mirat SATOĞLU ULAKBİM Müdürü Ana Konuşmacı Prof. Dr. Hasan MANDAL TÜBİ… Organized by Ebru Soyuyüce Aydın | Type: lansman
October 26, 2021 from 2pm to 3pm – Portugal In the 2021 OA Week Iscte Library organises three webinars for the scientific and academic communities. The first Webinar takes place on the 26th October and is entitled "The Open Access on Web of Sc… Organized by Iscte Library | Type: seminar
October 26, 2021 from 3pm to 4pm – Canada Interested in learning about how to use H5P to create an OER for your course? This hands-on introduction workshop will introduce you to H5P, an interactive content creation platform, where you can cr… Organized by McMaster University Library | Type: workshop
October 26, 2021 from 4pm to 5pm – United Kingdom The Comics Grid Webinar Series - Live Chats on Comics Scholarship Wrestling Graphic Novels: A Comics Grid Webinar with Anna Marta Marini and Jessica Fontaine Date: Tuesday 26 October 2021. Time: 4-… Organized by Ernesto Priego/ The Comics Grid: Journal of Comics Scholarship/ Paula Clemente Vega/ Open Library of Humanities | Type: webinar
October 26, 2021 from 7pm to 8pm – Mexico Charla sobre open access y educación Organized by Jackeline | Type: facebook, live
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