October 17, 2012 at 12pm to October 25, 2012 at 7pm – University of Colorado Boulder The CU-Boulder Libraries and the United Government of Graduate Students are celebrating Open Access Week with a slate of informative and exciting events geared toward students, faculty, and librarian… Organized by Andrew Johnson | Type: outreach
October 22, 2012 to October 28, 2012 – Zimbabwe This year’s open access activities will be geared towards promoting the concept of open access by targeting various stakeholders in the University community which include [a1] academic staff, univers… Organized by National University of Science and Technology Library | Type: advocacy, campaign
October 22, 2012 to October 28, 2012 – Everywhere Open Access Week 2012 will take place October 22-28 all over the world. Networked Researcher is convinced, as the Open Access Week web site says, that "“Open Access” to information – the free, immedi… Organized by Networked Researcher | Type: blogging, unconference
October 22, 2012 to October 27, 2012 – Stockholm You can find the joint eventcalender for the libraries in the Stockholm region at www.sthlmoaweek.se (in Swedish only). Participating libraries are: Karolinska institutet, KTH Royal Institute of Tech… Organized by | Type: seminars
October 22, 2012 to October 30, 2012 – Poland Week Open Access Week in Poland 22-28.10.2012 Reported events Open educational resources for researchers - Grodecka Carolina, Center for eLearning AGH Krakow - Webinar. The increase in citations… Organized by Bożena Bednarek-Michalska | Type: seminar, debate, webinar
October 22, 2012 to October 26, 2012 – University of Exeter A week-long programme of events raising awareness of Open Access at the University of Exeter, UK. Speakers include: Alma Swan of SPARC and Key Perspectives; Cameron Neylon from PLoS; Brian Kelly of… Organized by Jill Evans | Type: advocacy, campaign, training
October 22, 2012 to October 26, 2012 – Midlands State University Library The Open Access Week is just around the corner. Midlands State University will be participating for the very first time in the OA week with various activities lined up. These include short introducto… Organized by University Library | Type: open, access, week
October 22, 2012 to October 28, 2012 – www.ecmma.org The Early Childhood Music & Movement Association is participating in Open Access Week, October 22-28, 2012, and will offer free online access to research, articles, and special interest features… Organized by Angela Barker | Type: ecmma, participates, in, open, access, week, 2012
October 22, 2012 to October 27, 2012 – EUI - Badia Fiesolana Monday 22nd: The European University Institute (EUI) signs the Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI) on its 10th anniversary Tuesday 23rd: Open Access Information desk at the EUI (Badia) between 12… Organized by Lotta Svantesson | Type: roundtable, information, desk
October 22, 2012 to October 26, 2012 – Campus wide 5 compelling reasons for Setting the Default to Open Access to be communicated via a daily blog across Monday to Friday, supported by series of 5 posters distributed across campus (Day 1 poster is il… Organized by Allison Fullard and Jill Claassen | Type: awareness, campaign
October 22, 2012 to October 25, 2012 – Universidad de Costa Rica, San Pedro, San José, Costa Rica lunes 22 de oct Capacitación en el uso del repositorio Institucional Kérwá y licencias Creative Commons 9-12 am, Sala Girasol, Vicerrectoría de Investigación. Facilita: Katalina Alfaro y Meilyn Garro… Organized by UCRIndex | Type: talleres, y, charlas
October 22, 2012 to October 28, 2012 – Salamanca, Spain The University of Salamanca participates, again this year, in Open Access Week. The scheduled activities aim to make known the initiatives developed to open access in the USAL (Institutional Reposi… Organized by Universidad de Salamanca | Type: marketing, advocacy, activities
October 22, 2012 to October 26, 2012 – UCL To celebrate Open Access Week, UCL Library Services is hosting a series of Information Sessions across UCL at lunchtime. Library staff will be on hand to discuss Open Access publishing and making you… Organized by Lynne Meehan | Type: information, sessions
October 22, 2012 to October 26, 2012 – Zurich, Switzerland Open Access Week at the University of Zurich Organized by Main Library University of Zurich | Type: information booth, lunch presentation
October 22, 2012 at 9am to October 28, 2012 at 4pm – University of Zimbabwe The 2012 University of Zimbabwe Open Access Week activities will comprise of honouring and presenting special awards to individuals who have made impact in the development of the UZ Institutional Rep… Organized by University of Zimbabwe Library | Type: marketing, and, promotion, :having, fun, with, our, competitions, displays
October 22, 2012 at 9am to October 26, 2012 at 4pm – Lupane State University Library 1st Floor ZIMDEF House. The Workshop will be a Stakeholders event which will include the following:- Librarians, Researchers, Academics, University Administrators and guest University Librarians, with the main aim of: Clar… Organized by Lupane State University Library | Type: workshop
October 22, 2012 at 9am to October 28, 2012 at 4:30pm – Uganda Martyrs University (Main Campus) The Research Directorate of Uganda Martyrs University in collaboration with Archbishop Kiwanuka Memorial Library will be taking part in this year's Open Access Week events. Activities of the week wil… Organized by Judith Nannozi | Type: open, access, awareness
October 22, 2012 at 10am to October 26, 2012 at 5pm – Texas A&M University, multiple campus locations This year's OA Week takes the OA Cafe out on the road to faculty, researchers and students on their own turf. Events include a guess-the-journal-price game with prizes; Presentations by guests from… Organized by Gail Clement | Type: programming, around, campus
October 22, 2012 at 10am to October 28, 2012 at 3pm – 10 Atherston Road,off Trojan Road Bindura In its endeavor to promote a research community marking the 2012 Open Access celebrations,Bindura University of Science Education (BUSE) libraries will be advocating for more I.R. articles and honori… Organized by Shorai Majojo | Type: marketing, and, awareness, campaign
October 22, 2012 at 10am to October 26, 2012 at 7pm – The Library, University of Guelph. Of Rights, Relations and Rationales: Some Reflections on Copyright in Canada Carys Craig, Associate Professor at Osgoode Hall Law School, York University, Director of Osgoode’s Professional Develop… Organized by K. Jane Burpee | Type: celebration
October 22, 2012 at 10am to October 25, 2012 at 2pm – Toluca, México. El Sistema de Información Científica Redalyc, en el marco de las actividades por la Semana de Acceso Abierto a través del departamento de Capacitación a Editores, organiza el Primer Curso sobre Proce… Organized by Rosario Rogel-Salazar | Type: curso, de, capacitación, sobre, procesamiento, fascículos.
October 22, 2012 at 10am to October 26, 2012 at 4pm – Dartmouth campus, Hanover NH OA Week Events at Dartmouth: http://www.dartmouth.edu/~library/schcomm/OAWeek2012.html Organized by Barbara DeFelice | Type: drop-in, sessions, interactive, panels, and, discussions, webinars
October 22, 2012 at 12pm to October 28, 2012 at 1pm – Athabasca University Athabasca University is proud to participate in its fourth international Open Access Week, between October 22-28, 2012 to broaden awareness and understanding of open access. This event will be sponso… Organized by Tony Tin | Type: webcasts
October 22, 2012 at 1pm to October 26, 2012 at 3pm – La Plata, Argentina Muestra en acción del Escaner DAL (Derecho a Leer), un escáner elaborado artesanalmente con materiales de bajo costo y cámaras fotográficas digitales, que a diferencia de los escáneres planos, perm… Organized by BIBHUMA | Type: muestras, charlas
October 22, 2012 at 2pm to October 25, 2012 at 12:30pm – Zuhl Conference Room (#225) There are four events, one each day Mon-Thu, held in the Zuhl Library Conference Room. For full information, please see the .pdf on the website above. Organized by New Mexico State University Library | Type: forums
October 22, 2012 at 3pm to October 28, 2012 at 7pm – Faculty of Science, Faculty of Engineerig and the Library of Alexandria In honor of the sixth annual global Open Access Week, from October 22-28 organized by Mandy Taha. A series of lectures and seminars, and a forum are going to be launched with the aim of raising aware… Organized by Mandy Taha | Type: seminar, presentation
October 22, 2012 at 5pm to October 28, 2012 at 7pm – Faculty of Science, Faculty of Engineering and the Library of Alexandria In honor of the sixth annual global Open Access Week, from October 22-28 and. organized by Mandy Taha. A series of lectures and seminars, and a forum are going to be launched with the aim of raising… Organized by Mandy Taha | Type: seminar, presentation
October 22, 2012 at 6pm to October 26, 2012 at 7pm – Addis Ababa, Ethiopia The Addis Ababa University Libraries in-collaboration with the School of Information Science is organizing various events during the Open Access Week in October, 2012. Although this event will be con… Organized by | Type: awareness, creation, and, policy, formulation
October 22, 2012 at 6pm to October 28, 2012 at 7pm – www.access-deschis.ro A consolidation event aimed to include as many stakeholders as possible from Romania and Romanian scientific diaspora. Organized by Kosson & partners | Type: advocay
October 22, 2012 at 6pm to October 26, 2012 at 7pm – the Netherlands www.openaccess.nl/oaweek2012 Netherlands collaborating closely in Open Access Week 2012 In the week from 22 to 26 October, the Netherlands will be bringing the benefits of Open Access to the attentio… Organized by coordinated by SURF | Type: miscellaneous
October 23, 2012 to October 25, 2012 – Croke Park + Royal Irish Academy + National University of Ireland, Maynooth The focus of this event is to engage academia, industry, cultural institutions and public bodies to identify the key research challenges in digital humanities, and to further build the academic-indus… Organized by Natalie Harrower | Type: conference, skills workshop, digital humanities, project showcase
October 23, 2012 to October 25, 2012 – UWI Open Campus Are we Open? This year the UWI Open Campus Library gladly participates in OA Week 2012 to unearth the views of 'open access' from our primary university stakeholders - the students. This will take… Organized by The Open Campus Library | Type: discussions
October 23, 2012 at 8am to October 26, 2012 at 9pm – NBU Library Complex In the week, between 22-26 October, 2012, the New Bulgarian University Library (NBU Library) is celebrating the Open Access Week with a series of workshops, raising the awareness among post graduates… Organized by New Bulgarian University Library | Type: workshops
October 24, 2012 to October 25, 2012 – Lima (Peru). PRIMER DÍA: Miércoles 24 de octubre, 2012 Local: VEO (Sala E), PUCP y SEGUNDO DÍA: Jueves 25 de octubre, 2012 Local: Auditorio, GRADE Av. Almirante Grau #915. Barranco http://http://www.openaccessperu.org/archives/832 Organized by Dominique Babini | Type: conference
October 24, 2012 to October 26, 2012 – Mexico D.F El Instituto de Investigaciones Bibliotecológicas y de la Información (IIBI) en colaboración con la Dirección General de Bibliotecas (DGB) de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) y la Se… Organized by IIBI-UNAM, DGB-UNAM, IFLA/LAC. Contact: Lic. Sarah Iliana González Comi Depto. de Difusión y Educación Continua del IIBI Torre II de Humanidades, Piso 13, C. U. Tels.: (52-55) 562 30352 y 30193 Fax: (52-55) 562-30375 sarahgc@cuib.unam.mx | Type: coloquio
October 24, 2012 to October 29, 2012 – The State Pedagogical University “Ion Creanga” The State Pedagogical University “Ion Creanga” will make the survey “Open Access Digital Institutional Repository” Organized by Ecaterina Scherlet | Type: survey
October 24, 2012 at 11am to October 25, 2012 at 1pm – University of Parma How European universities are dealing with the changes brought by a digital, networked and open access world? Organized by International Master DILL. University of Parma | Type: seminar, webcast
October 25, 2012 from 8:30am to 1:30pm – University of South Africa As part of this event organized by the University of South Africa, Johanna Kuhn from the BioMed Central team will be talking about open access, publishing and institutional membership. Organized by Unisa | Type: seminar
October 25, 2012 from 9am to 2pm – Vaal University of Technology, Main Campus, Sisonke Restaurant The Vaal University of Technology (VUT) Library have organized a series of events as part of celebrating 2012 Open Access Week. This year’s Open Access Week takes place between 22-27 October and the… Organized by Freeman Zulu | Type: open, access, mini, seminar
October 25, 2012 at 9:30am to October 26, 2012 at 2pm – Sala de Videoconferencias del IIBI En el marco de la Semana Internacional de Acceso Abierto (Open Access Week), que se realiza del 22 al 28 de octubre de 2012, el Instituto de Investigaciones Bibliotecológicas y de la Información de l… Organized by Instituto de Investigaciones Bibliotecológicas y de la Información - UNAM | Type: taller, workshop
October 25, 2012 from 10am to 12pm – University of Auckland Library Two events will be hosted by The University of Auckland Library for the University of Auckland staff. A second event, which is a workshop for Subject Librarians of The University of Auckland Library,… Organized by | Type: workshop
October 25, 2012 from 10am to 11am – LIB209 Daniel Lende Organized by Rebel Cummings-Sauls | Type: presentation
October 25, 2012 from 10am to 4pm – University of Tartu Library The University of Tartu Press and the University of Tartu Library are holding a discussion seminar on the following topics: - UT Press’ new publishing policy - open access publishing models - interna… Organized by Elena Sipria-Mironov | Type: seminar
October 25, 2012 from 10am to 12:30pm – Richard Searby Room - hd2.006.1 Melbourne Burwood Campus Deakin University At Deakin University Australia we are celebrating Open Access Week with a symposium on open scholarship, focusing on open access research and publication. Join with other members of the education com… Organized by Allison Moloney | Type: symposium
October 25, 2012 from 11am to 1pm – Athens Greek Free / Open Source Software Society (GFOSS) with National Documentation Centre organize a seminar for Open Access and the Helios repository. More information about the seminar and all the event… Organized by National Documentation Centre and GFOSS | Type: seminar, discussion
October 25, 2012 from 11am to 2pm – Auditorium Leonidas Zerbas, National Hellenic Research Between October 22 – 28, the National Documentation Centre of Greece (EKT) joins the celebrations for the International Open Access Week, organizing a series of events -informative sessions and semin… Organized by National Documentation Centre | Type: seminar
October 25, 2012 from 12pm to 1pm – LIB209 Merilyn Burke and Drew Smith Organized by Rebel Cummings-Sauls | Type: presentation
October 25, 2012 from 12pm to 2pm – University of Dundee As part of the University of Dundee’s programme of events to mark Open Access Week, Helen Whitaker - from our publishing team - will be giving a presentation on open access from BioMed Central's pers… Organized by University of Dundee, Library and Learning Centre | Type: presentation
October 25, 2012 from 12pm to 1pm – Wells Library How does Open Access really affect the research and publishing process? What are the pros and cons of Open Access? Join your colleagues and professors for an informal discussion and Q&A session,… Organized by Stacy Konkiel | Type: discussion
October 25, 2012 from 12pm to 2pm – Aula 30. Central Building. University of Navarra Round table celebrated for the Open Access Week 2012. Participants: "Framework of Open Access Movement worldwide. The case of Ph Dissertations". Rocio Serrano, Coordinator of DADUN, institutional rep… Organized by Rocio Serrano-Vicente | Type: round, table
October 25, 2012 from 12pm to 4pm – Roberts Centre, Wilmington, Ohio Join the Academic Library Association of Ohio as we discuss Open Access in a preconference event: Researcher Revolt: What Faculty Want From Publishers, Libraries and the Open Access Movement Featurin… Organized by Meghan Frazer | Type: panel, discussion, on, open, access
October 25, 2012 from 12:30pm to 2pm – Hong Kong Presentation on Open Access by Leo Cheung, Regional Open Access Publishing Manager, BioMed Central Library Multi-Function Room on LG4 The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology HKUST will als… Organized by The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology | Type: presentation, on, open, access
October 25, 2012 from 12:30pm to 1:30pm – Education South 122, University of Alberta Two representatives from the U of A Libraries will be on hand to discuss key open access concepts, including open access trends, benefits of open access and publishing practices in open access jour… Organized by Nicole Dalmer | Type: lecture
October 25, 2012 from 1pm to 2:30pm – Medical Faculty, Amphitheater near Dean’s Office Open Access Week 2012 13:00 Отварање Проф. д-р Никола Јанкуловски. Декан, Медицински факултет, УКИМ, Скопје, Република Македонија 13:00 Official opening prof. Nikola Jankulovski, PhD, Dean of t… Organized by Mirko Spiroski, Dimitar Poposki | Type: open, access, lecture
October 25, 2012 from 1pm to 2pm – Email events@plumanalytics.com Hosted by Plum Analytics (www.plumanalytics.com), a company focused on using all types of metrics to assess research impact, please join us for a webinar in support of Open Access Week. We will dis… Organized by Marianne Parkhill | Type: webinar
October 25, 2012 from 1pm to 1:30pm – Library of Universitat Jaume I The library of the Universitat Jaume I organizes training sessions to promote UJI Repository: - training session to students, teachers and researchers to show the UJI Repository content and its feat… Organized by Universitat Jaume I Library | Type: training, sessions
October 25, 2012 at 1:30pm to October 26, 2012 at 1pm – National Museum of Ethnology A workshop for building institutional repositories network for Inter-University Research Institute Corporations Organized by Research Information Office, National Institute for Fusion Science | Type: workshop
October 25, 2012 from 2pm to 3pm – LIB209 Todd Chavez Organized by Rebel Cummings-Sauls | Type: presentation
October 25, 2012 from 2pm to 3pm – The University of Queensland, UQ Library, Conference Room, L1 Duhig Building (Building 2) Professor Phil Long, Director of the Centre for Educational Innovation and Technology will present 'Openness and Tertiary Education Futures'. Organized by UQ Library OA Team | Type: presentation
October 25, 2012 from 6pm to 9pm – UNESCO 18h-18h15: Registration 18h15-18h45: Indicators to Measure the Impact of Open Access Journals and Reviews Speaker: Bart Van Tiggelen 19h45-19h15: Open Access: Reclaiming our Scho… Organized by MyScienceWork | Type: conference
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