Showcasing of various open access resources relevant to each faculty currently in progress. These show and tell sessions are aimed at introducing clients to the wealth of Free information available at their finger tips that is valueable in their studies or research. Our librarians are delivering these show and tell workshops in the library and feedback received from clients very positive. Will continue with these sessions even after OA week.
Posted on October 24, 2012 at 9:54am
During Open Access Week, the Vaal University Library is offering a 50% discount to clients who are paying outstanding fines or returning overdue books during the week of 22 - 28 October. After announcing this in the library slot on the campus radio, via e-mail and through notices, response is overwhelming. Students were informed via sms and staff members were e-mailed, VUT community is using this opportunity to clear their accounts and access library material again.
Posted on October 24, 2012 at 9:36am
Open Access Mini Seminar, 25 October 2012
To celebrate Open Access week this year, VUT Library has organized a one day mini seminar on Thursday, 25 October. This will be held at Vanderbijlpark Campus and several speakers have been invited from universities, publishing houses, libraries and other organizations to share ideas on open access publishing, policies, the rights of authors and publishers, and other topics. For further information on the activities planned at…
ContinuePosted on October 8, 2012 at 6:57am
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