October 7, 2014 at 11am to October 26, 2014 at 11:45pm – Global entries to be emailed to us To celebrate Open Access Week 2014, which runs from 20th to 26th October, Knowledge Unlatched is launching a competition. Design your own OA meme! Entrants will be asked to write a caption about Open… Organized by Knowledge Unlatched | Type: competition
October 17, 2014 at 1pm to October 25, 2014 at 12pm – everywhere Hello everybody, We invite you during Open Access week to visualise what open access means to you in your personal and/or professional lives, and to share an image (photo/drawing/model) with us via… Organized by Chrissi Nerantzi and Sam Illingworth | Type: collaborative, open, online, picture, wall
October 18, 2014 to October 22, 2014 – San Diego Convention Center and Online BioMed Central's "I Open Access" awareness campaign will kick-off at the American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG) conference in San Diego. With a special "OA Story Photo-booth" at booth #1419/1421,… Organized by Balaram Poddar | Type: conference, photo-booth, contest
October 20, 2014 to October 23, 2014 – Northern Illinois University Presentations from publishers, academics and librarians will be offered on a variety of subjects pertaining to open access. See the website for further information including a schedule. Organized by Open Access Symposium Committee | Type: symposium
October 20, 2014 to October 24, 2014 – The University Graduation Square The Research Directorate in partnership with Archbishop Kiwanuka Memorial Library are planning to take part in this year’s International Open Access Week events. We intend to carry on with the awaren… Organized by Judith Nannozi | Type: mini, workshop, -, oa, awareness, and, advocacy
October 20, 2014 to October 26, 2014 – Various Open Access Week (20-26 October 2014) is an opportunity for the academic and research community to continue to learn about the potential benefits of Open Access to scholarly research, to share what t… Organized by OpenUCT Initiative, UCT | Type: various
October 20, 2014 to October 23, 2014 – Siddhartha Cottage and Restaurant (Dhobighat: Adjacent to Honda Showroom) Open Access Nepal – a student lead initiative – will be hosting a series of events in Nepal during International Open Access Week 2014. These activities and events will help to raise awareness regard… Organized by Open Access Nepal | Type: students, researchers, librarians, and, policy, makers, will, discuss, open, access, developments, in, nepal, their, roles, promoting, advancing, access.
October 20, 2014 to October 26, 2014 – Poland University Library in Toruń prepares posters presenting new rules of knowledge transfer under the Horizon 2020 and Erasmus+ Programmes. The posters will be distributed among all universities and rese… Organized by Bożena Bednarek-Michalska | Type: poster
October 20, 2014 to October 24, 2014 – Various Monday: Free Film Screening: The Internet's Own Boy: The Story of Aaron Swartz. October 20th, 2014 - 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. in LIB489B, 4th floor of the Library The Internet's Own Boy is the story o… Organized by Ann Ludbrook, Brian Cameron | Type: international, open, access, week, event
October 20, 2014 to October 24, 2014 – Various Monday: Free Film Screening: The Internet's Own Boy: The Story of Aaron Swartz. October 20th, 2014 - 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. in LIB489B, 4th floor of the Library The Internet's Own Boy is the story o… Organized by Ann Ludbrook, Brian Cameron | Type: international, open, access, week, event
October 20, 2014 to October 30, 2014 – TIB/UB Hannover TIB/UB Hannover is participating in the International Open Access Week 2014. You can find more information (in German) in our blog. Activites include: workshops about "Open Access requirements of re… Organized by TIB/UB Hannover | Type: workshops, exhibition
October 20, 2014 to October 24, 2014 – Various Monday: Free Film Screening: The Internet's Own Boy: The Story of Aaron Swartz. October 20th, 2014 - 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. in LIB489B, 4th floor of the Library The Internet's Own Boy is the story o… Organized by Ann Ludbrook, Brian Cameron | Type: international, open, access, week, event
October 20, 2014 to October 24, 2014 – Various Monday: Free Film Screening: The Internet's Own Boy: The Story of Aaron Swartz. October 20th, 2014 - 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. in LIB489B, 4th floor of the Library The Internet's Own Boy is the story o… Organized by Ann Ludbrook, Brian Cameron | Type: international, open, access, week, event
October 20, 2014 to October 24, 2014 – Various Monday: Free Film Screening: The Internet's Own Boy: The Story of Aaron Swartz. October 20th, 2014 - 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. in LIB489B, 4th floor of the Library The Internet's Own Boy is the story o… Organized by Ann Ludbrook, Brian Cameron | Type: international, open, access, week, event
October 20, 2014 to October 26, 2014 – Global Test your theories and challenge your assumptions on authors' attitudes to OA.Having collated and analysed the data from the 2014 Taylor & Francis Open Access Survey, we have now posted the datas… Organized by Matt Peck | Type: data, challenge
October 20, 2014 to October 23, 2014 – Université Laval Du 20 au 23 octobre 2014, la Bibliothèque de l'Université Laval (Québec, Canada) offre une série d'activités organisées à l'occasion de la semaine internationale du libre accès. Lundi 20 octobre 2014… Organized by Pierre Lasou | Type: conferences
October 20, 2014 to October 26, 2014 – Universidad de Salamanca (Spain) ACTIVIDADES EN LA UNIVERSIDAD DE SALAMANCA Promoción en el sistema de márketing dinámico de la USAL Márketing dinámico es el sistema de promoción de actividades y convocatorias de la Universidad de S… Organized by Universidad de Salamanca (Spain) | Type: marketing, taller, videoconferencia
October 20, 2014 to October 25, 2014 – “Alecu Russo” State University of Balti Presentations for young researchers Organized by Elena HARCONIŢA | Type: presentations
October 20, 2014 to October 26, 2014 – Global With the focus of this year’s OA Week on ‘Generation Open’, we’ve turned the results from the 2014 Taylor & Francis Open Access Survey into a series of infographics, charting how researchers’ vie… Organized by Matt Peck | Type: generation open, infographic
October 20, 2014 at 10am to October 26, 2014 at 3pm – Bournemouth University, United Kingdom Organized by Pengpeng Hatch | Type: open, access, week
October 20, 2014 at 11am to October 24, 2014 at 1:30pm – MacEwan University Library To celebrate Open Access Week we thought we’d play some kitten webcams in the Library daily. So what do kittens and open access have in common? Well, like kittens, open access journals have taken ove… Organized by Robyn Hall | Type: event
October 20, 2014 at 12pm to October 26, 2014 at 12pm – UAB Campus Each weekday a talk at the libraries by the Open Acces group: http://www.uab.cat/open-access/ .Talks are intended to UAB's researchers to tell them about what UAB do to promote the open access ini… Organized by UAB libraries | Type: talks
October 20, 2014 at 12pm to October 24, 2014 at 2pm – Lancaster University campus We've arranged a variety of sessions throughout the week to keep you up to date with Open Access developments. There's something for everyone! Sessions include: preparations for the HEFCE Open Acces… Organized by Louise Tripp | Type: talks
October 20, 2014 at 2pm to October 24, 2014 at 3pm – En línea. La imagen contiene cinco actividades a celebrarse en el marco de la Semana del Acceso Abierto a nivel mundial. estas actividades se presentarán en línea a través de webinars. Los temas a presentar s… Organized by Pura Centeno | Type: conferencias, en, línea
October 20, 2014 at 2pm to October 24, 2014 at 12pm – Université de Yaoundé I COCUREL organise à l'Université de Yaoundé I l'Open Access Week Date : du 20 au 26 octobre 2014 Edition : 1ère édition Cameroun (7e année) Thème : ’’ GENERATION OPEN’’ Objectif : Promotion de l’accès… Organized by Dr Essi Marie-José | Type: evénement, international
October 20, 2014 at 2pm to October 24, 2014 at 12pm – WWW Win Kindle Amazon for OAW with De Gruyter Open! Open Access Week competition with De Gruyter Open starts on Mondey, 20th October and is open for all De Gruyter Open Facebook fans. Eve… Organized by De Gruyter Open | Type: competition
October 20, 2014 at 3pm to October 23, 2014 at 4pm – online OpenAIRE webinars during Open Access Week 2014: Register now! During Open Access Week, the OpenAIRE project, in collaboration with the FOSTER project, is organising a series of webinars about the Op… Organized by OpenAIRE | Type: webinar
October 20, 2014 at 6pm to October 26, 2014 at 7pm – Internet Desde la Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología (FECYT) y la Red de Bibliotecas Universitarias de la CRUE (REBIUN/CRUE), tenemos el placer de invitaros a los seminarios on-line que hemos… Organized by REBIUN | Type: videoconferencia
October 20, 2014 at 6pm to December 31, 2014 at 7pm – http://www.maneyonline.com/page/openaccessarticles Maney is partaking in OA Week by offering 50% off article publication charges from 20th October until 31st December. If you are interested in submitting an open access paper to a Maney journal, visit… Organized by Emily Simpson | Type: maney, publishing, celebrates, oa, week, with, 50%, off, apc's
October 21, 2014 to October 23, 2014 – http://blog.impactstory.org/right-metrics-generation-open/ You’re not getting all the credit you should be for your research. As an early career researcher, you’re likely putting open access versions of your articles online, sharing your research data and so… Organized by Stacy Konkiel | Type: webinar, and, discussion
October 21, 2014 to October 24, 2014 – Deakin University Library, Victoria, Australia Deakin University Library, Australia, presents Deakin Scholars Week, a series of free events to help you build your research profile and to raise awareness of innovation in open research. Recognisin… Organized by Deakin University Library | Type: professional, development
October 21, 2014 at 10am to October 24, 2014 at 12pm – BUSE Main Library,741 Chimurenga Road Bindura,Zimbabwe Bindura University of Science Education Library joins other universities in celebrating the International Open Access Week by inviting lecturers and students(both post and undergraduates) to a 'Break… Organized by Shorai Majojo | Type: discussion, forum, on, marketing, and, advocacy
October 21, 2014 at 12:30pm to October 23, 2014 at 7pm – Charlottesville, VA Each year, the University of Virginia Library highlights our support for open access publishing by participating in the annual, worldwide Open Access Week celebration. During October 20-24, 2014, the… Organized by Ellen Ramsey | Type: seminar
October 21, 2014 at 3:30pm to October 23, 2014 at 9pm – Valencia We are proud to announce that we have put together the 1st International Workshop on Open Research Data in Valencia (Spain). You are all invited!! Registration is free but we still need you to send u… Organized by UPV | Type: workshop
October 22, 2014 from 4am to 5:30am – UMET, Aula Magna El Proyecto especial sobre comunicación científica y acceso abierto (IIGG-UBA) en el marco de la Semana Internacional de Acceso Abierto (20-26 de octubre de 2014) invita a toda la comunidad académica… Organized by Carolina De Volder / Dominique Babini / Fernando Ariel López | Type: jornada, webinar
October 22, 2014 from 9am to 4:30pm – Doha, Qatar | Cinema and Ballroom 3 HBKU Student Center, Education City Celebrate Open Access Week with QScience.com Date: Wednesday 22nd October 2014 – 9am – 4.30pm Location – Cinema of Hamad bin Khalifa University Student Center, Education City, Doha Join us for… Organized by Qscience.com | Type: symposium
October 22, 2014 from 10am to 12pm – Presencial EGCTI-UPR, Aula 313. Virtual: Blackboard Collaborate por medio de inscripción La Escuela Graduada de Ciencias y Tecnologías de la Información y la Biblioteca de Ciencias Bibliotecarias e Informática, Sistema de Bibliotecas, en la Universidad de Puerto Rico, se complacen en inv… Organized by Escuela Graduada de Ciencias y Tecnologias de la Información, Programa de Educación Continua y Desarrollo Profesional, conjuntamente con la Biblioteca de Ciencias Bibliotecarias e Informática, de la Universidad de Puerto Rico | Type: conferencia
October 22, 2014 from 10am to 2:15pm – Center for Scientific and Technical Information Open Access Day is organised by Center for Scientific and Technical Information in Wroclaw University of Technology. Programme: 10.00-10.15 Inauguration (prof. Eugeniusz Rusiński) 10.15-10.30 Open S… Organized by Center for Scientific and Technical Information | Type: seminary, open, access, library
October 22, 2014 from 10am to 1pm – National Scientific Medical Library of Ukraine Participants will get information on the major open access medical databases and special open access initiatives from commercial scientific publishers. Organized by Oksana Brui | Type: workshop
October 22, 2014 from 10am to 2pm – Center for Scientific and Technical Information of Wrocław University of Technology Center for Scientific and Technical Information of Wrocław University of Technology invites for Open Access Day Organized by Center for Scientific and Technical Information of Wrocław University of Technology | Type: seminar
October 22, 2014 from 10am to 1:45pm – Royal Botanical Garden, Spanish National Research Council DIGITAL.CSIC will join this year's International Open Access Week with the seminar New systems for scientific evaluation, peer-review and open access to contribute to the ongoing debate about the way… Organized by DIGITAL.CSIC | Type: seminar
October 22, 2014 from 10am to 12:15pm – State University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Nicolae Testemitanu” "Open Access to information: pros and cons". Debates at the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy. State University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Nicolae Testemitanu” Organized by Libovi Carnaeva | Type: debates
October 22, 2014 from 10am to 3pm – State Agrarian University of Moldova Seminar „Open Access to the agricultural scientific information” in partnership with the Department Science and Innovation of the State Agrarian University of Moldova Organized by Ludmila Costin | Type: seminar
October 22, 2014 from 10:30am to 12pm – University Library in Belgrade Professor Terry Plum from Simmons Graduate School of Library and Information Science, USA, will be presenting project Digital Curriculum Lab for librarians, researchers and students. Digital Curricul… Organized by Vesna Vuksan, Adam Sofronijevic | Type: presentation
October 22, 2014 from 10:45am to 11am – „Ion Creangă” State Pedagogical University FLASH MOB Open Access: Generation Open at „Ion Creangă” State Pedagogical University Organized by Ecaterina Scherlet | Type: flash, mob
October 22, 2014 from 11am to 12pm – The Library, The Open University (UK) Library Services has organised three events to celebrate Open Access Week: Wednesday 22 October at 11.00-12.00: Open Access Books (Martin Weller and Beck Pitt, Institute of Educational Technology) L… Organized by Library Services, The Open University (UK) | Type: talks
October 22, 2014 from 12pm to 1pm – Sydney, NSW Australia Join us for a discussion on OA and Digital Humanities pedagogies. Sigi Jottkandt (Open Humanities Press) and Tom Apperley (Digital Culture and Education) will lead the discussion at the Elwynn Lynn C… Organized by Sigi Jottkandt | Type: workshop, discussion
October 22, 2014 from 12pm to 1pm – Gettysburg College Most authors sign publication contracts without reading them carefully, and consequently transfer all rights to a publisher. Is there another option? (Yes, there is!) Join us for Did I sign my rights… Organized by Janelle Wertzberger | Type: lunch, /, presentation
October 22, 2014 from 12pm to 1pm – O'Malley Library This is an informal discussion about OA at the O'Malley Library at Manhattan College, Riverdale NY. We will talk about what it is and the implications it has on an academic institution. Organized by Amy Handfield, Sarah Cohn | Type: q&a, discussion, about, open, access
October 22, 2014 from 12:30pm to 1:30pm – https://australia.webex.com/australia/onstage/g.php?t=a&d=868176357 Register Paula Callan (QUT) and Catherine New (Curtin University) will explore Open Access policies worldwide. They will update you on the NH&MRC and/ or ARC policies around open access, includin… Organized by Australasian OA Support Group | Type: webinar, webcast, online
October 22, 2014 from 1pm to 2pm – Online A webinar for the scientific staff of ETH Zurich: Open-access publishing: how, when, where? Publishing contract and author's rights Funding opportunities Open access guidelines of the research funde… Organized by ETH-Bibliothek | Type: webinar
October 22, 2014 from 1pm to 3pm – Poznan University of Technology Library International Week Open Access Week As every year, in October, we celebrate International Open Access Week (Week Open Science). This year's motto is Generation Open, which refers to the involveme… Organized by Beata Korzystka | Type: presentation
October 22, 2014 from 1pm to 2pm – The Library of Poznań University of Technology The Library of Poznań University of Technology invites for the Agnieszka Nettem’s talk about “The importance of patent information in intellectual property law” Organized by The Library of Poznań University of Technology | Type: talk, presentation
October 22, 2014 from 1:15pm to 5pm – Kobe University Library. Japan http://www.kobe-u.ac.jp/en/ Open access was defined by Budapest Declaration in 2002, and since then institutional repositories and open access journals have been rising. The number of open access journals which require Article… Organized by Hideki Uchijima | Type: workshop
October 22, 2014 from 1:30pm to 3:30pm – Media Studio, University of Southern Queensland, Australia Presenters will discuss issues in Open Practice with an Australian perspective. This event will be recorded and will be available at the Collaboratorium website the following week. http://collabora… Organized by Mary-Anne Fiebig | Type: seminar
October 22, 2014 from 2pm to 3pm – En línea Recurso: Prof. Jeannette Lebrón, Bibl. de Derecho, Recinto de Río Piedras, UPR Como parte de los objetivos de la presentación se definirá el concepto Creative Commons y se ofrecerán algunos datos his… Organized by Pura Centeno | Type: conferencia
October 22, 2014 from 2:15pm to 3pm – The Library of Poznań University of Technology The Library of Poznań University of Technology invites for Dr. Beata Korzystka’s and Krzysztof Ober’s presentation about “The central repository of knowledge of Poznan University of Technology - the… Organized by The Library of Poznań University of Technology | Type: talk, presentation
October 22, 2014 from 2:30pm to 3:30pm – https://australia.webex.com/australia/onstage/g.php?t=a&d=862060020 Register Martin Borchert from QUT will explore the world of publisher agreements. He will cover what agreements usually ask for and permit. He will discuss what is required – a licence to publish. He… Organized by Australasian OA Support Group | Type: webinar, webcast, online
October 22, 2014 from 3pm to 4:30pm – University of Pittsburgh, University Club, Ballroom B Keynote speaker: Erin McKiernan, postdoctoral fellow in psychology at Wilfrid Laurier University and Open Access advocate; panel of University of Pittsburgh faculty members Join a lively discussion… Organized by OA@Pitt | Type: keynote, speaker
October 22, 2014 from 3pm to 5pm – George Sherman Union Conference Auditorium In May 2014, the Faculty Council held a successful vote on a proposal to update BU’s open access initiative recommendation of 2008 and adopt an opt-out open access policy. This fall, the Council of D… Organized by Vika Zafrin | Type: presentation/discussion
October 22, 2014 from 4pm to 6pm – Buenos Aires and vía web Organizan: IIGG-UBA, CLACSO, UMET, Aprender3C Panelistas: Cecilia Rozemblum (UNLP), Fernando Ariel López (UMET), Laura Leff (PLIICS-CONICET), Juan Pablo Alperin (PKP), Carolina de Volder (IIGG-UBA),… Organized by Dominique Babini | Type: webinar
October 22, 2014 from 4pm to 5pm – Biozentrum, Hörsaal A103 "Freier Zugang zu wissenschaftlicher Information" heißt nicht, dass Informationen grundsätzlich für jede Art der Verwendung frei sind. Christian Schmauch erläutert im Vortrag "Wissenschaftliches Publ… Organized by Kristina Hanig | Type: seminar
October 22, 2014 from 4:30pm to 6pm – Carnegie Mellon University Panel presentation featuring: Maryann Martone, Executive Director, Force11; Peter Binfield, Founder, PeerJ; Rachel Burley, Vice President and Director, Open Access, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.; and J… Organized by OA@Pitt. Cohosted by the University Libraries of Carnegie Mellon University and the University Library System, University of Pittsburgh. | Type: panel, presentation
October 22, 2014 from 6pm to 8pm – Centre de culture numérique Le droit d’auteur français protège les auteurs contre les réutilisations non-autorisées de leur œuvre. Cependant, certains projets et auteurs font le choix d’autoriser explicitement tout le monde à r… Organized by StrasWeb | Type: training
October 22, 2014 from 6pm to 8pm – http://www.uaemex.tv/ Retransmisión de las jornadas organizadas por el Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Participan: Cecilia Rozemblum, Laura Leff, Carolina De Volder, Fern… Organized by Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Fac. de Ciencias Sociales de la UBA, CLACSO, Universidad Metropolitana para la Educación y el Trabajo (UMET) y Aprender3C | Type: jornadas
October 22, 2014 from 6:30pm to 9pm – Instituto de Formación Técnica Superior N° 13 (GCBA) - Apertura de la 4ta. Jornada de Acceso Abierto / Autoridades de las Instituciones participantes - Introducción a la comunicación científica / Nicolás Tripaldi (IFTS 13) - INTRODUCCIÓN al Acceso Abie… Organized by Instituto de Formación Técnica Superior n° 13 (IFTS n° 13 – GCBA) junto a la Escuela Nacional de Bibliotecarios (Biblioteca Nacional) y Depto. Bibliotecología (FFyL-UBA) | Type: jornada
October 22, 2014 from 7pm to 9pm – Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society In keeping with the theme of this year’s Open Access Week of «Generation Open», this Berlin event is for Earlier Career Researchers and anyone else who is young at heart! It has a participative forma… Organized by De Gruyter Open, ScienceOpen, Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society | Type: networking
October 22, 2014 from 7pm to 8:30pm – Gettysburg College Health Sciences students at Gettysburg College have bountiful access to scholarly and medical publications, but what happens after graduation? When you enter a health profession, will you be able to… Organized by Janelle Wertzberger | Type: presentation, club, activity
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