Time: October 20, 2014 to October 24, 2014
Country: Various
Street: 350 Victoria Street
City/Town: Toronto ONT
Website or Map: http://library.ryerson.ca/blo…
Event Type: international, open, access, week, event
Organized By: Ann Ludbrook, Brian Cameron
Latest Activity: Oct 15, 2014
Monday: Free Film Screening: The Internet's Own Boy: The Story of Aaron Swartz.
October 20th, 2014 - 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. in LIB489B, 4th floor of the Library
The Internet's Own Boy is the story of the life of programming prodigy and information activist Aaron Swartz. FTo celebrate Open Access Week the Creative Commons version of the film will be screened. This event is open to the Ryerson community.
Tuesday: LTO Workshop: Liberate Your Course Materials: Open Access and Copyright Free Resources For Your Teaching
October 21, 2014 – 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. in POD-372
In this workshop, facilitated by Ann Ludbrook, Copyright Librarian, and Dan Jakubek, GIS and Map Librarian we will highlight freely available course materials, textbooks, data sets, and multimedia. We will be providing participants with tips, resources, and information on library services available to reduce the work required to put together course readings.
Wednesday: Webinar: BC Open Textbook Project
Oct 22nd, 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. in LIB489B, 4th floor of the Library
To celebrate International Open Access Week, the Canadian Association of Research Libraries (CARL) and BCcampus are presenting an informative and interactive webinar on digital open textbooks.
October 23, 2014 12:00 p.m.- 1:00 p.m. in YDI-1134
Speakers: Gillian Byrne, Brian Cameron, Greg Singer
The draft Tri-Council policy requires the deposit of publicity-funded research into an open access repository. In this session, we will review the requirements of this policy and to ensure that researchers funded under the policy can satisfy the open access requirements by self-archiving author post-prints into Ryerson's new digital repository. We will showcase the new repository, discuss the draft policy and provide guidance with green open access strategies.
Lunch will be provided. Please register online to attend.
Friday: Graduate Students Open Access Coffee House
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