October 17, 2017 to January 26, 2018 – United States of America This exhibit is currently on display in Baker Library’s main hall/entrance. The exhibit reveals the complex issues surrounding open information through six dimensions: global, political, financial,… Organized by Scholarly Communication, Copyright, and Publishing Program | Type: exhibit
October 23, 2017 to November 17, 2017 – France For the Open Access Week from October 23rd onwards, the library of the École des Ponts ParisTech organizes an exceptionnal exhibition: Data Incognita. Our aim is to show researchers that data has alw… Organized by Romain Boistel | Type: exhibition
October 23, 2017 to November 2, 2017 – Australia Open Access Week events Australia Organized by sandra fry | Type: list, of, events, across, australia
October 23, 2017 at 6pm to January 1, 2018 at 7pm – Serbia A set of brief video tutorials about ORCID are intended for all those who (still) do not have ORCID profiles, but it may also be useful for registered ORCID users who have not fully set up their prof… Organized by Biljana Kosanovic | Type: video, tutorials
October 30, 2017 to November 1, 2017 – Colombia Rol del acceso abierto en ciencias sociales en tiempos de capitalismo cognitivo-aportes desde CLACSO y otras iniciativas regionales Fecha y lugar: Presentación en el contexto del evento "CLACSO 50 añ… Organized by Esther Juliana Vargas Arbelaez, Esther Juliana Vargas Arbelaez, Instituto de Estudios Políticos de la Universidad de Antioquia (Colombia) y miembro del Grupo de Trabajo CLACSO Bienes Comunes y Acceso Abierto | Type: presentation
November 1, 2017 all day – Egypt هذا العام هو العام العاشر لاحتفالية الأسبوع الوصول الحر لإتاحة فرص متساوية للباحثين على المستوى المحلى و الدولي. سوف تقام بكلية الهندسة بجامعة الإسكندرية المبنى الرئيسى. Organized by Dr. Mandy Taha | Type: seminar, and, discussion
November 1, 2017 from 12pm to 1pm – Australia Heather Joseph is a recognised leader in the advocacy and promotion of openness – open access to information, to education, to research. Her presentation will touch on the work of SPARC, with a focu… Organized by CAUL (Council of Australian University Librarians) | Type: lunchtime, presentation
November 1, 2017 from 3pm to 3:45pm – India International Open Access Week is being celebrated at the ICAR-Indian Institute of Horticultural Research by the Society for Promotion of Horticulture on 1st Nov. 2017 with talks and contests. The Jo… Organized by Society for Promotion of Horticulture | Type: open, access, week, celebrations
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