"On 27th September 2012 the Imperial College SciCommForum held a follow up discussion on open access to publicly funded research in response to the Finch Report and RCUK Policy.
We were joined by Mark Thorley (NERC, RCUK) and Professor Stephen Curry (Imperial College) and Richard Van Noorden (Nature News) chaired the discussion. We had representatives from HEFCE, Wellcome Trust, RLUK, MRC, NIMR, Imperial College Library - and more - in the audience, and the discussion…
ContinueAdded by Graham Steel on September 28, 2012 at 11:51pm — No Comments
Added by Nick Shockey on September 25, 2012 at 6:36am — No Comments
SPARC (The Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition) and the World Bank are pleased to announce the speakers for their co-sponsored kickoff event for Open Access Week 2012. The event will take place Monday, October 22, 4pm - 5:30pm, at the World Bank in Washington, DC.
Added by Nick Shockey on September 24, 2012 at 9:51am — No Comments
Redalyc Mobile App is an application for freely view, read or download hundreds of thousands of scientific and academic articles indexed by redalyc.org.
Redalyc Mobile App es una aplicación para ver libremente, leer o descargar cientos de miles de artículos científicos y académicos indexados por redalyc.org…
ContinueAdded by Fernando Carraro Aguirre on September 23, 2012 at 6:01am — 1 Comment
The Two Tweaks Needed
to Disambiguate RCUK OA Policy
The Research Councils will recognise a journal as being compliant with their policy on Open Access if:1. [GOLD] The journal provides via its own website immediate and unrestricted access to…
Added by Stevan Harnad on September 22, 2012 at 12:20pm — No Comments
Upcoming Events
Mendeley: Social Networking for Your Research
Monday, October 22, 12 noon to 1 pm
Ballroom, William Pitt Union
Mendeley is an academic social network and citation manager that helps scholars organize research, collaborate online, and discover the latest research. With Mendeley, faculty and students can create citations and bibliographies, read and annotate papers, and make…
Added by OA@Pitt on September 21, 2012 at 6:08am — No Comments
Open Access Week 2012
Open Notebook Science: Transparency in Research
Jean-Claude Bradley
General Lecture
Date: October 23, 2012
Time: 2 p.m. - 4 p.m.
Location: Klaus Advanced Computing Building, 1116 Seminar Room
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia
This event is FREE and open to the public.
Added by Marlee Givens on September 20, 2012 at 1:28am — No Comments
Cross-posted from http://www.righttoresearch.org/blog/r2rc-open-access-week-planning-webcast.shtml.
When: Thursday, September 27th at 1:30pm EDT, 7:30pm CET
Registration is free, but required. After registering, you will receive login instructions the day before the event.…
Added by Nick Shockey on September 19, 2012 at 7:19am — No Comments
@mire is back on board as an advocate sponsor for SPARC's International Open Access Week. During the week of October 22nd, institutions from all across the globe put an emphasis on free access to research outputs. Some institutions put together large conferences, other organizations apply more grassroots advocacy efforts and guerilla marketing. In order to support the community in spreading the word last year, we sent out free "Ask me about Open…
ContinueAdded by Bram Luyten on September 18, 2012 at 4:39am — 9 Comments
We had a good OA week inspriation session last week. Eight universities shared their plans and ideas for their local activities during the Open Access week 2012.
SURF will be coordinating the national program of local activities again. Soon to be available on www.openaccess.nl.
Added by Annemiek van der Kuil on September 18, 2012 at 12:57am — No Comments
We had a good OA week inspriation session last week. Eight universities shared their plans and ideas for their local activities during the Open Access week 2012.
SURF will be coordinating the national program of local activities again. Soon to be available on www.openaccess.nl.
Added by Annemiek van der Kuil on September 18, 2012 at 12:56am — No Comments
Berlin 10 Open Access Conference, Stellenbosch, South Africa
We take pleasure in announcing that Early Bird Registration (ZAR 3 300,00) for the Berlin 10 Open Access Conference - to be…
ContinueAdded by University of Stellenbosch on September 12, 2012 at 5:23am — No Comments
Networked Researcher is a UK-based academic publishing and networking platform with an international outlook.
Our main goal is to support and promote digital scholarship and researcher development through the critical engagement with online technologies.
Added by Networked Researcher on September 12, 2012 at 4:00am — No Comments
In a breakthrough for Africa, the 10th annual Berlin Open Access Conference will be taking place on the continent for the first time later this year, with Stellenbosch University (SU) as host.
The prestigious gathering will be taking place at the Stellenbosch Institute for Advanced Study (STIAS) from 7 to 8 November. It will be preceded by a preconference on the practical implementation of open access principles on 6 November.
ContinueAdded by University of Stellenbosch on September 12, 2012 at 3:30am — No Comments
In its endeavor to promote a research community marking the 2012 Open Access celebrations,Bindura University of Science Education (BUSE) libraries will be advocating for more I.R. articles and honoring those who have contributed to our "e-resource of the month platform".The week will also be comprised of presentations which include:
1.Demystifying fears and myths surrounding open access writting
2.Open access publishing
3.Benefits of open access intiatives
ContinueAdded by Shorai Majojo on September 11, 2012 at 8:59pm — No Comments
Well, the fall semester madness has begun and, with it, our plans for OA Week are taking shape! We decided to expand OA Week into OA Month, this year, simply because this allows us greater flexibility in planning, plus we want to do more on each of the three Mason campuses.
We are hosting four main events, one in each week of October. The first and third weeks, I'll be giving a talk at two different campuses on the publishing process, with a focus on Open Access journals. The purpose…
ContinueAdded by Claudia Holland on September 7, 2012 at 8:30am — No Comments
Below is information for our upcoming webcast. Please use the comment section below to leave your comments and questions for our panelists.
Connecting the Dots between Open Access and Open Educational Resources
Another free SPARC online event
Thursday, September 27th, 2012
12:00 - 1:00PM EDT (…
Added by Nick Shockey on September 7, 2012 at 3:00am — No Comments
Agricultural Information Management Standards (AIMS) supports Open Access in the agricultural domain through the promotion of methodologies and good practices to enhance the accessibility and visibility or research data in agriculture and related sciences.
During the Open Access Week 2012, AIMS will focus on the theme "Making Agricultural Research Information Publicly…
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Open Access Week
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All content subject to a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License unless specified differently by poster. Created by Nick Shockey.
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