Open Access Week

October 23 - 29, 2023 | Everywhere

Congratulations to the winners of the Open Access Week 2021's Escape Room Challenge!

East West University Library has celebrated International Open Access Week from 25 October to 31 October 2021 following the theme "It Matters How We Open Knowledge: Building Structural Equity". There were various events, including promoting the essential benefits of using "Open Educational Resources" through EWU library social media tools and an "Escape Room Challenge" for the students. Many students from different departments of EWU participated in that challenge. We have selected the top three students as winners. 
The followings are our outstanding winners:
The Champion
Jenin Hossain Elham
Department of English
East West University
First Runner-Up
Shaila Khanom
Department of Business Administration
East West University
Second Runner-Up
Mehedi Hassan Bappy
Department of Pharmacy
East West University
Congratulations to the winners of the challenge and big thanks to all participants for participating in this challenge. EWU Library will provide e-Certificates and prizes to the first three winners.
Also, EWU Library will provide e-Certificates to all participants through their e-mails. 

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