by Lauren B. Collister and Jackie Smith, University of Pittsburgh
For Open Access Week 2017, the University Library System at the University of Pittsburgh took a new approach for scheduling events built on outreach work done in prior years. The library, instead of hosting an event for OA Week all on our own, partnered with several departments to co-sponsor a talk of broad interest that wove in Open Access as a…
ContinueAdded by OA@Pitt on May 31, 2018 at 6:00am — No Comments
SPARC would like to thank the following members of the International Open Access Week Advisory Committee:
Name | Affiliation |
AJ Boston | Murray State University |
Arianna Becerril García | Redalyc / AmeliCA |
Dan… |
Added by Nick Shockey on May 25, 2018 at 1:30am — No Comments
O Comitê Consultivo da Semana do Acesso Aberto 2018 tem o prazer de anunciar que o tema para a edição 2018 da Semana Internacional do Acesso Aberto, que acontecerá entre 22 e 28 de Outubro, será “Planejando Bases Equitativas para o Conhecimento Aberto.”
O tema deste ano é reflexo de um sistema acadêmico em transição. Embora governos, agências de fomento, universidades,…
ContinueAdded by Nick Shockey on May 24, 2018 at 5:55am — No Comments
Added by Nick Shockey on May 24, 2018 at 5:55am — No Comments
ओपन एक्सेस वीक एिवाइजरी कमेटी को यह घोषणा करतेहुए प्रसन्न हैलक, 22-२८ अक्टू बर २०१८ को होनेवाले2018 इंटरनेशनल
ओपन एक्सेस वीक के ललए थीम "खुलेज्ञान के ललए न्यायसंगत नींव लिजाइलनंग" होगी।
इस साल की थीम संक्रमण मेंएक लवद्वान प्रणाली को दशााती है। जबलक सरकारें, लनलि, लवश्वलवद्यालय, प्रकाशक, और लवद्वान ओपन
एक्सेस को और प्रथाओंको तेजी सेअपनानेलगेहैं। इस साल का थीम लसस्टमोंको लिजाइन करनेकेबारेमें समावेशी, न्यायसंगत और
वास्तव मेंएक लवलवि वैलश्वक समुदाय की आवश्यकताओंको पूरा…
Added by Nick Shockey on May 24, 2018 at 5:55am — No Comments
El Comité Asesor de la Semana Internacional del Acceso Abierto se complace en anunciar que el tema del año 2018 será “Diseñando bases equitativas para el conocimiento abierto”, y tendrá lugar del 22 al 28 de octubre.
El tema de este año da cuenta de un…
ContinueAdded by Nick Shockey on May 24, 2018 at 5:30am — No Comments
The 2018 Open Access Week Advisory Committee is pleased to announce that the theme for the 2018 International Open Access Week, to be held October 22-28, will be “designing equitable foundations for open knowledge.”
This year’s theme…
ContinueAdded by Nick Shockey on May 24, 2018 at 5:30am — No Comments
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