Added by Carol Minton Morris on October 22, 2019 at 3:16am —
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Austin, TX 2,207 users from around the world have implemented repositories with the popular DSpace, out-of-the box, open source, repository software in order to openly share and preserve digital scholarly information from more than 122 countries.
To take a look at the wide range of institutions and organizations that are using DSpace to make their scholarly…
Added by Carol Minton Morris on October 25, 2016 at 4:44am —
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“Telling DSpace Stories” introduces people, ideas and innovation. This community-led initiative introduces project leaders and their ideas to one another while providing details about DSpace open access repository implementations. Open Access Week offers examples of best practices and Open Access benefits. We want to do just that by…
Added by Carol Minton Morris on October 20, 2015 at 2:49am —
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The Open Access Week global event provides an opportunity for the academic and research community to showcase the benefits of Open Access, and to share what they’ve learned as a way of inspiring increased participation in providing Open Access to scholarship and research. In celebration of Open Access Week 2015, October 19-25,…
Added by Carol Minton Morris on October 19, 2015 at 2:53am —
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VIVO is an open source semantic web application that enables the discovery of researchers and scholars and their interests, accomplishments, activities, datasets, and other related resources. VIVO provides the capability to locate…
Added by Carol Minton Morris on October 24, 2014 at 2:38am —
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Winchester, MA DSpaceDirect ( is a hosted repository solution for low-cost discovery, access, archiving, and preservation. DSpaceDirect is available with…
Added by Carol Minton Morris on October 23, 2014 at 2:50am —
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Winchester, MA Fedora ( is a robust, modular open source repository system for the management and dissemination of digital content. It is especially suited for digital…
Added by Carol Minton Morris on October 22, 2014 at 4:00am —
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Added by Carol Minton Morris on October 21, 2014 at 2:37am —
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Winchester, MA In celebration of Open Access Week 2014 October 20-24 the DuraSpace not-for-profit organization will offer a day-by-day “sampler” highlighting institutions and organizations that are using the…
Added by Carol Minton Morris on October 20, 2014 at 2:42am —
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Winchester, MA We live in a cyber landscape of moving digital images and sounds. Through the Internet discovery and access to almost anything we can imagine through multiple devices is instant. Favorite films and television shows, obscure recordings, field research materials, historic artifacts and more can be found in two clicks. While there is an abundance of…
Added by Carol Minton Morris on October 25, 2013 at 6:03am —
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Winchester, MA Advancing knowledge in all fields of research now requires curation, collection, management, access and long-term preservation of digital data sets. Providing permanent open access to the results of publicly funded research is a challenge for many institutions faced with with mandates for including data with published results.
These four…
Added by Carol Minton Morris on October 24, 2013 at 5:40am —
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Winchester, MA Delivering open access repository content to diverse and growing communities of information consumers around the world requires the use of flexible technologies that can be customized for use by local research, scientific, intellectual and cultural heritage institutions.
The Fedora open source repository framework is a robust, modular…
Added by Carol Minton Morris on October 23, 2013 at 6:54am —
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Winchester, MA Open access to institutional assets such as special collections, the published results of research, theses and dissertations and data sets are at the heart of defining an institution's long-term impact on scholarship. Digital resources that have been made "preservation ready" will remain durable so that they can be accessed by students, scholars and…
Added by Carol Minton Morris on October 22, 2013 at 4:37am —
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Winchester, MA Balancing digital collection development costs with strategies to ensure that digital assets remain openly accessible comes down to evaluating affordable solutions. Sustainability planning leads to weighing the advantages of high-cost proprietary online solutions that can result in long-term data lock-up against freely available open source…
Added by Carol Minton Morris on October 21, 2013 at 6:51am —
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Winchester, MA Open Access to all types of information–research data, cultural heritage resources, public records or theses and dissertations–forms the basis for the future of global scholarship and civic engagement. To celebrate Open Access Week 2013 DuraSpace has gathered recordings and articles from our Professional Development resources ( that will be…
Added by Carol Minton Morris on October 21, 2013 at 4:10am —
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To celebrate Open Access Week 2012 Oct. 21-28 DuraSpace will post a new "For Your Repository Viewing Pleasure" each day (and beyond) to highlight the "splendid stuff in YOUR repository".
The University of Maryland Libraries, a DuraSpace Silver Sponsor and long-time user of Fedora and DSpace, are continuing to add to digitize…
Added by Carol Minton Morris on October 26, 2012 at 9:36am —
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To celebrate Open Access Week 2012 Oct. 21-28 DuraSpace will post a new "For Your Repository Viewing Pleasure" each day (and beyond) to highlight the "splendid stuff in YOUR repository".
Most of the items collected in the Smithsonian Digital Repository, a component of Smithsonian Research Online managed by the SI…
Added by Carol Minton Morris on October 25, 2012 at 3:08am —
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To celebrate Open Access Week 2012 Oct. 21-28 DuraSpace will post a new "For Your Repository Viewing Pleasure" each day (and beyond) to highlight the "splendid stuff in YOUR repository".
Like many great academic research libraries Columbia University Libraries feature remarkable resources–and lots of them: "The library's collection would stretch 174 miles end-to-end, and is growing at a…
Added by Carol Minton Morris on October 24, 2012 at 3:40am —
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Digitization of fragile film and video resources is the first step towards making sure they are preserved into the future. Yale University's department of Manuscripts and Archives published an example of a video from The Fortunoff Video Archive Holocaust Testimonies, a historic collection of over 4,400 videotaped interviews with witnesses and survivors of the Holocaust, to demonstrate how important it is not only to digitize video resources, but to do it as soon as possible.…
Added by Carol Minton Morris on October 23, 2012 at 4:52am —
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To celebrate Open Access Week 2012 Oct. 21-28 DuraSpace will post a new "For Your Repository Viewing Pleasure" each day (and beyond) to highlight the "splendid stuff in YOUR repository".
The Arizona Legislature established the Arizona Geological Survey (AZGS) to investigate and describe Arizona's geology, and to educate and inform the public. AZGS has developed an online open access repository with nearly 1,000 publications and 1,800 objects that have…
Added by Carol Minton Morris on October 23, 2012 at 2:00am —
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