Open Access Week

October 23 - 29, 2023 | Everywhere

Five Flavors of Open Access from DuraSpace: RESEARCH DATA

Winchester, MA  Advancing knowledge in all fields of research now requires curation, collection, management, access and long-term preservation of digital data sets. Providing permanent open access to the results of publicly funded research is a challenge for many institutions faced with with mandates for including data with published results.

These four web seminar recordings provide contrasting strategies along with practical solutions and tools about how several institutions are tackling the research data challenge and making their findings freely available.

Fundamental questions, assumptions and challenges
Research Data Curation at UC San Diego: An Overview


David Minor, Head of Research Data Curation Program and Declan Fleming, Chief Technology Strategist, at UC San Diego Library provide details about a new curation program at the University of California San Diego Library in this presentation. For more than two years, librarians and computing professionals worked with researchers from diverse disciplines to conduct a pilot program to pinpoint research data curation practices that could be used across campus.

Practical solutions
Metadata and Repository Services for Research Data Curation


Declan Fleming, Chief Technology Strategist, Arwen Hutt, Metadata Librarian and Matt Critchlow, Manager of Development and Web Services from UC, San Diego Library offer core curation services in this presentation. Beginning with a view of the wide variety of discussions held with researchers focused on commonalities and differences in needs and expectations, the resulting data model is presented along with information about how the Library's linked data asset management system was updated to express complex research data objects.

And even more practical solutions
Research Data Management Support: DataONE-Tools and Approaches for Supporting the Data Life Cycle


William Michener, Professor and Director of e-Science Initiatives at the University of New Mexico presents tools and strategies to help researchers address the key data life cycle challenges. This webinar was also part of the DuraSpace/ARL/DLF E-Science Institute. Tools and collaborations are in process around the world for building data management plans to collect, preserve, analyze and document data. DataONE, a federated data network built to improve access to Earth science data is highlighted.

Reaping results of good planning
E-Research Support at Johns Hopkins University and Purdue University


Sayeed Choudhury, Associate Dean for Research Data Management, Johns Hopkins University and James L. Mullins, dean of libraries and professor of library science, Purdue University  presented “E-Research Support at Johns Hopkins University and Purdue University” to participants in the DuraSpace/ARL/DLF E-Science Institute. In this web seminar presenters discuss progress towards developing a data management plan and service at their institutions.

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