Open Access Week

October 23 - 29, 2023 | Everywhere

The theme for the 2019 International Open Access Week, October 21-27, is "Open for Whom? Equity in Knowledge." The chasm separating those on opposite cliffs of the digital divide remains, despite ongoing efforts to bridge it, and it is this persistent gap that underscores the 2019 OA's week theme question: ¿Abierto para quien? Open For Whom?

In celebration of OA Week 2019, the LYRASIS Content and Scholarly Communications team is pleased to share a video about the work LYRASIS does to support open access and scholarly communication programs including:

In addition to the initiatives highlighted in the video, LYRASIS is proud to support open source software that enables open access and digital preservation. In particular, DSpace is used by more than 2,000 organizations and institutions to create open access to scientific and cultural heritage resources making it the most widely-used repository software in the world.

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