Open Access Week

October 23 - 29, 2023 | Everywhere

EVEN MORE Splendid Repository Stuff" for Open Access Week: Columbia U. Academic Commons Makes Research Widely Available

To celebrate Open Access Week 2012 Oct. 21-28 DuraSpace will post a new "For Your Repository Viewing Pleasure" each day (and beyond) to highlight the "splendid stuff in YOUR repository".

Like many great academic research libraries Columbia University Libraries feature remarkable resources–and lots of them: "The library's collection would stretch 174 miles end-to-end, and is growing at a pace of 140,000 items per annum."[1].

The Academic Commons ( is Columbia University's Open Access digital repository developed using the Fedora repository platform to help make research results and resources widely available.

Visitors will find literature series including the Columbia University Computer Science Technical Reports and the Columbia University Economics Discussion Papers.

Robert Hilliker, Digital Repository Manager, points out that there are also, "Individual items that stand out from the pack, like a whitepaper related to the "Whole Brain Activity Map" project, which aims to merge Nanoscience and Neuroscience to provide a detailed, real-time understanding of human brain function. This item was tweeted by Tim O'Reilly in early August and made the rounds of the Web:"

A technical report about the "Failure of Online Social Network Privacy Settings" on which the new FCC Chief Technology Officer, Professor Steven Bellovin, was a co-author, recently informed a New York Times Magazine article on Facebook privacy:

The Academic Commons also hosts a growing collection of video of lectures and conference presentations filmed at Columbia that include NEH Summer Institutes and TEDx conferences.

A large collection of research on the prevention and treatment of AIDS/HIV includes notable studies by Drs. Salim and Quarraisha Abdool Karim of the Mailman School of Public Health and by members of the Social Intervention Group and the Global Health Research Center for Central Asia in the School of Social Work.

Please continue to send descriptions of the "Splendid Stuff" that can be found in YOUR Open Access repository. DuraSpace will highlight availability in the "For Your Repository Viewing Pleasure" series this week and throughout year. Please contact Carol Minton Morris for more information.

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