VIVO is an open source semantic web application that enables the discovery of researchers and scholars and their interests, accomplishments, activities, datasets, and other related resources. VIVO provides the capability to locate collaborators within institutions, or when networked, across a variety of research networking platforms. The VIVO Community consists of international participants and many are very actively engaged in the development of the VIVO-ISF ontology, applications and tools to extend the capabilities of VIVO, and creating features to extend the core VIVO software. Through a variety of activities, including the annual VIVO Conference, Hackathons, and Implementation Fests, VIVO epitomizes the desirable traits of an inclusive, open source community that consistently strives to meet the needs of VIVO current and prospective users.
We have selected three VIVO projects to demonstrate various projects that have been undertaken in the spirit of open access principles. Many other customized VIVO implementations provide value to their host institutions ranging from front-end access to authoritative organizational information to highlights of works created by scholars in the social sciences and arts and humanities. Virtual organizations also rely on VIVO, including the Clinical and Translational Science Award Consortium funded by the National Institutes of Health. This consortium is dedicated to shortening the time required to discover, develop, and place new life-saving therapies into the hands of clinicians.
VIVO is a community sponsored project and is sustained by members like you. To learn how your organization can become a member, please visit the website here.
Explore VIVO at Track the VIVO blog or follow us on Twitter @VIVOcollab.
Yaffle, Memorial University
Memorial University has a special and serious obligation to the people of the province, Newfoundland and Labrador. Part of Memorial's commitment to fulfill that social mandate is to engage with public and community partners in research that solves real world issues.
To facilitate that exchange, Memorial University developed Yaffle, a web connection and engagement application that supports Knowledge Mobilization, the bi-directional creation and sharing of knowledge. This past year the Yaffle team at Memorial’s Harris Centre joined forces with the VIVO initiative and worked together to model Knowledge Mobilization. One result of that work is the Yaffle Knowledge Mobilization Ontology, an ontology that was designed to fit within the VIVO-ISF framework. In addition to adding a semantic layer to the Yaffle technology stack, the Yaffle team developed a content management layer in Drupal and an API for writing content to VIVO.
Memorial University researchers and the public use Yaffle to highlight their diverse work, unique interests and valued expertise around the province and the world! In the Spring of 2015 Yaffle will launch two additional schools in the Atlantic provinces.
For more information visit or contact Lisa Charlong at
Deep Carbon Observatory, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
The Deep Carbon Observatory (DCO) is a global research program designed to transform our understanding of the role of carbon in Earth development. DCO is a community of scientists ranging from biologists to physicists, geoscientists to chemists, whose work crosses several disciplinary lines, in order to develop new, integrative fields of deep carbon science. DCO’s infrastructure includes public engagement and education, online and offline community support, innovative data management, and novel instrumentation [adapted from Wikipedia].
The Deep Carbon Observatory Digital Object Registry ("DCO-VIVO"), is a centrally-managed digital object identification, object registration and metadata management service for the DCO Data Portal. The DCO Data Portal provides the digital object registration process for DCO Community members. Digital object registration includes DCO-ID generation based on the global Handle System infrastructure and metadata collection using VIVO. Where appropriate, users will be linked into the DCO Data Repository for data deposit as required. DCO-VIVO is maintained by the DCO Data Science Team at the Tetherless World Constellation of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. DCO-VIVO is an instance of Version 1.5.2 of the VIVO open source platform.
In the following figure, readers can view how the DCO Research Network and VIVO fit into the overall architecture of the DCO program.
For further information about the Deep Carbon Observatory program, visit
To view the VIVO-enabled DCA Data Portal, visit
EarthCube, National Center for Atmospheric Research/University Corporation for Atmospheric Research), Cornell University, and UNAVCO
Making research data more traceable is the goal of a two-year project entitled “Enabling Scientific Collaboration and Discovery through Semantic Connections”. This project is funded by the National Science Foundation’s EarthCube initiative, which supports transformative approaches to data management across the geosciences. NCAR/UCAR (National Center for Atmospheric Research/University Corporation for Atmospheric Research), Cornell University, and UNAVCO (a non-profit university-governed consortium that facilitates geoscience research and education using Geodesy) are partnering to connect data among field experiments, research teams, datasets, research instruments, and published findings.
The project will demonstrate the benefits of a linked open data by adapting VIVO so it can be applied to large-scale field experiments involving many investigators from a wide range of institutions. This work would result in creating a network of information linking field experiments with particular datasets, authors, publications, and even research tools that result from or are associated with each experiment. VIVO will use data from two sources: a recent NSF-supported interdisciplinary field program whose data archive is hosted by NCAR’s Earth Observing Laboratory (the Bering Sea Project), and a set of diverse research projects informed by geodetic tools, such as GPS networks and ground-based imaging, that are operated and maintained by UNAVCO.
The success of such an approach to store and archive data could be expanded to other field experiments, including their data sets, researchers, publications, and research resources.
For further information, please visit:
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