Time: October 24, 2016 to October 28, 2016
Country: Netherlands (Holland, Europe)
City/Town: Utrecht
Website or Map: http://openaccess.nl/en/event…
Event Type: seminars
Organized By: Jeroen Sondervan
Latest Activity: Oct 23, 2016
The theme of the International Open Access Week 2016 is ‘Open in action’. Dutch libraries are promoting this annual event by a series of activities.
On 24, 26 and 27 October there are seminars for staff, students and others who are interested.
‘Publish for impact’ is the title of a seminar in the Science Centre at Delft on 27 October. It is organised by the universities in Delft, Leiden and Rotterdam and OpenAIRE.
At Maastricht, the University Library will conduct a number of workshopsfor researchers who are about to publish.
Staff of the University Library will make spontaneous visits to academics in all faculties and inform them of the support they can give on open access publishing and research data management. The online open science service will be launched.
This year, during the Open Access Week 2016, the University offers three workshops on the theme of Open Access publishing.
Please register for these workshops by filling in this online form.
Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS)
DANS organizes two Open Access events in the context of the International Open Access Week 2016.
Tuesday 25 October
You're invited to join this seminar (with lunch). See for more information and registry the DANS website.
Wednesday 26 October
OpenAIRE has scheduled a full week of webinars on various topics which will shed some light on the implementation of Open Science and the activities OpenAIRE is involved in. See for more information the OpenAIRE website.
The Koninklijke Bibliotheek will promote open access with a view to the general public by means of Academic literature for everyone [in Dutch].
The library of the University of Groningen is mounting a campaign for green open access, by means of posters with propositions, social media and a webpage with support information.
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