for Open Access Week in Japan
Country: Japan
Members: 18
Latest Activity: Oct 23, 2018
We decided only theme of the seminar; "Open Access transmitted from Japan".I wish that the stakeholder (researchers, academic publishers and librarians) participate actively in the seminar in the…Continue
Started by Izumi Sugita. Last reply by Tomoaki Watanabe Jul 2, 2010.
During Open Access Week, Several events will be held in Japan.
Save the date!!
21-22 Oct:
"Open Access Summit 2014" by the National Institute of Informatics
(Website in Japanese only)
Day 1: The 3rd SPARC Japan Seminar "Science for Generation Open"
introducing activities by "generation open", younger/earlier-career researchers in Japan.
Day 2:Case reports and discussions about open access repositories, JAIRO Cloud (a SaaS type IR cloud service, developed and provided by NII) and future model of green open access in Japan.
21 Oct:
"The 3rd Chiba University Academic Link Seminar 2014"
(PDF file in Japanese only)
celebrating 10 years since the launch of CURATOR, the first open access repository in Japan.
Syun Tutiya of NIAD will talk about the stream of open access of knowledge and its influence on the role of scholarly systems in academic institutions.
Koichi Ojiro of NII will talk about the past and future 10 years of open access and repositories in Japan.
22 Oct:
"Open Access Week Workshop in Kobe University"
(Website in Japanese Only)
Lectures and discussions about the role of university libraries related to hot three topics: open access of research data, OA journals and usage data from repositories.
University of Tsukuba Library is going to hold a workshop on the 21th of October 2013 during OA week. The theme of this event will be open access to electronic thesis and dissertations in Japan.
DRF is pleased to announce the release of a new report.
"hita-hita -- Institutional OA Advocacy in Japan"
The term “hita-hita” was employed to signify something that penetrates gently and smoothly. As of 2011, a total of 760,000 research papers are accessible through IRs across Japan. Open Access (OA) is not politically forced at state level or institution level. Instead, we have built repository manager-level lateral solidarity to share experience, exchange various creative ideas, add improvements and disseminate our ideas, thereby highly developing respective IRs.
This report introduces large and small ideas that have enhanced penetration of the OA movement and developed IRs in Japan, and it also outlines the activities of DRF, which has supported such ideas.
OAW photos from DRF members:
Dear Sunil Premarathne,
Thank you for joining us.
For DRF(Digital Repository Federation)'s activities, please visit here:
If you would like to know each program of Open Access Week, additional questions are welcome.
Dear Team of the Japan Open Access Week.
I prefer to read your prgramme in english version. Can you send me?
If yes, My e-mail address
Sunil/ Sri lanka
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