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Starting with the Open Access Week 2012, the Romanian information specialists, researchers, funding agencies and interested parties are the beneficiaries of a new portal dedicated to Open Access advocacy: www.acces-deschis.ro (beta version).
This is…
Posted on October 22, 2012 at 2:30am
Dear colleagues,
The moment has come when all the thoughts, ideas, the initiatives and the best experiences concerning Open Access to find a streamlined expression capable to set in motion a vector for actions in Romania.
To this purpose, The Understanding of Open Access has been launched. It is a document with a double significance: “understanding” as a consensual agreement among the signatories and “understanding” meaning a good apprehension of the concepts behind…
Posted on March 19, 2012 at 11:59pm
Posted on October 21, 2010 at 12:01am
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Va multumim pentru incurajare!
Toate informatiile privind evenimentele din Republica Moldova vor fi plasate pe blogul http://eifloamoldova.wordpress.com/
Da, din pacate promovarea accesului liber la publicatiile stiintifice mai are de crescut in Romania.
Ma bucur ca v-am intalnit (fain grupul de Facebook al Kosson - https://www.facebook.com/groups/kosson/).
Multumesc de intampinare! Ma bucur ca am gasit grupul romanesc pentru OAW. In Bucuresti se organizeaza ceva saptamana aceasta?
Hi Nicolaie!
Thank you!
Welcome to Serbia!
thank you...
ahh too early for normal thinking...:)