Indian Institute of Management and Commerce, Hyderabad ( India) jointly with Knowledge Connect for Empowerment (A registered Society) is organising a ONE DAY PROGRAM ON Sunday 27 October 2013 at…Continue
Started Oct 5, 2013
WE ARE PLANNING TO HAVE ONE DAY PROGRAM ON OPEN ACCESS RESOURCES DURING THE INTERNATIONAL OPEN ACCESS WEEK at Hyderabad, India. We may have it on Sunday 27 October 2013. In this program we would like…Continue
Started Oct 2, 2013
now one seminar on the same topic is going to be organised in Delhi, India, therefore there is no meaning to organise the same at the same week. further, there is an International Conference on…Continue
Started this discussion. Last reply by 1d0n6vimzjp39 Jul 8, 2013.
helo friendsI am seriously thinking to organise a two day seminar / conference on OPEN ACCESS during the OPEN ACCESS WEEK, 18-24 October 2010.I appreciate, if friends and members of this ning suggest…Continue
Started this discussion. Last reply by 1d0n6vimzjp39 Jul 8, 2013.
Indian Institute of Management and Commerce, Hyderabad ( India) jointly with Knowledge Connect for Empowerment (A registered Society) is organising a ONE DAY PROGRAM ON Sunday 27 October 2013 at HYDERABAD, INDIA.
IN THIS program there will be presentations on various types of OA resources by experts. There will be a discussion on strategies to enhanced use of OA resources. it will also discuss the role of Librarians and action plans for publicity and providing…
ContinuePosted on October 5, 2013 at 8:24pm
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