Time: October 20, 2015 from 8am to 12pm
Country: South Africa
Website or Map: https://newsanric.wordpress.c…
Event Type: seminar
Organized By: Laetitia Louw
Latest Activity: Oct 21, 2015
You are invited to a short seminar on OA co-hosted at the HSRC and CSIR by SANRIC and NeDICC. The seminar, which will take place during OA Week (an international event now in its 8th year) will provide an invaluable chance to connect with the global momentum aimed at the open sharing of information. It is specifically targeted at researchers from South African research institutions but all interested in OA are welcome to attend.
Date: 20 October 2015
Time: 08:00-12:00
Venues: HSRC, Pretoria
HSRC, Cape Town
HSRC, Durban
CSIR Knowledge Commons, Pretoria
Attendance is free of charge however registration is required by Thursday, 15th October 2015.
08:00–08:30 Registration
08:30–08:40 Welcome and introduction (Dr Martie van Deventer, CSIR)
08:40–09:30 Session 1: Keynote address
Presentation title: To be confirmed (Heather Joseph, SPARC)
09:30–09:50 Session 2: The position of public funders on OA
NRF statement on OA to research publications (Lazarus Matitzirofa, NRF)
09:50–10:10 Tea
10:10–11:30 Session 3: What researchers should know about OA
Article processing charges (Dr Leti Kleyn, UP)
Author’s rights (Denise Nicholson, WITS)
Creative Commons Licensing (Michelle Willmers, UCT)
Open data (Hilton Gibson, SU)
11:30–12:00 Discussion and closure (Segametsi Molawa, HSRC)
About SANRIC: The South African National Research Information Consortium (SANRIC) is a collaborative body which strives, through access to information, to enable and support globally competitive research.
About NeDICC: A network of data and information curation communities. NeDICC aims to promote the development and use of research data and information curation standards and practices to ensure the long term preservation and accessibility of digital research outputs in support of e-Research.
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