Time: November 19, 2010 to November 20, 2010
Country: Kasturba Gandhi Degree and P.G College for women, Maredpally, Secunderabad, India
Website or Map: http://www.kasturbagandhicoll…
Phone: 91-9885881685
Event Type: seminar, to, promote, awareness, of, open, access, library, professionals
Organized By: Dr K H Sunita, email id: hannah_sunitha@yahoo.co.in
Latest Activity: Oct 26, 2010
I am happy to inform you that the department of Library and Information Science, Kasturba Gandhi Degree and P.G College for women, Maredpally, Secunderabad, A.P proposes to organize a UGC sponsored 2 day National Seminar on " Management of Open Access Resources " in collaboration with Academy of Library Science and documentation from 19th - 20th of November, 2010 in the college premises.
The sub themes for the seminar are identified as :
- Growth and development of open access
- Impact of open access in information retrieval
- Open access and collection development in libraries
- User's approach to open access resources
- Issues relating to publication of open access resources
- Open access - International scene
- Open access in Indian Libraries
In this regard, I would like to invite you all to this National seminar and also contribute a paper on any of the sub themes. An early confirmation from you will be highly appreciable. Looking forward to your contribution in making this seminar a success.
With warm regards
Reader in Library Science
KGD & PG College for Women
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