Open Access Week

October 23 - 29, 2023 | Everywhere

Here are twenty-seven OA Haikus and Senryus (only thirteen of them a strict 5 + 7 + 5 = 17), the rest increasingly minimalist.

Creative Commons License Please feel free to re-use to promote OA. All Open Access Week postings by Stevan Harnad are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 Canada License. Most are based on works at

scribbler and scholar
behind the self-same barrier
one unwillingly

the work of others
easier for me to steal
than donate my own

tithes to help cure plague
instead they're helping tradesmen
to peddle their wares

via eyes and minds
its path to noble laurels
my work firewalled

skies above all clear
cosmonauts still unembarked
worried flight's not cleared

fingertips so quick
stroke keys to boycott others
not to free their own

golden sun afar
blinds us to greener vistas
open to our view

yearning for freedom
we do not reach out for it
though its in our grasp

set it free at last
no lets fuss instead about
costs rights wrath and gold

why lord gautama
left india for china
keeps our fingers still

the elean sage
found no way to cross the room
we too paralyzed

what the tortoise asked
achilles to try in vain
we now must mandate

scholars all are monks
do monks have buddha nature?
answer still is mu

give-away findings
free for all
no I want my cut

"roses red violets blue"
stays unread
till paid by you

see what I have found
first shell out to look

ideas doomed
to stillbirth
toll-booths loom ahead

scholars' spring
skyward glance
trade winds gathering

new era
thoughts at long last free
pay to view

fruits of IQ
unlike haiku

free at last
not so fast
toll-gates last

along the road
to Stockholm

like speech
text if metered

words fleet
script perdures
bits blocked

born free

me to you
first pay him


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