Open Access Week

October 23 - 29, 2023 | Everywhere


JKUAT launched its open access week on Monday the 18th with an exhibition at our graduation pavilion. The students’ interest in the exhibition and their participation has been very
impressive. The library had previously sensitized a group of students who have
been working with the library to reach to other students with the open access
message. They have been so creative. Some of the students have designed orange bandanas
to wear during the week. Those who are working with the library made name
badges written open access ambassadors. They have set up a desk and are helping
other students sign up in the open access week. The open access week will
climax on Friday with a beauty pageant to select open access ambassadors. So
far 20 students have registered for the pageant. Part of the entertainment the
students have organized includes salsa dancers who will perform on Friday. The students have also designed promotional posters, invitation cards and a banner that has been placed at our main gate. internet
however is letting us down making it hard to update you as
regularly as we would like. However, Safaricom which is one of our ISP
provided us with free connectivity for the week at the exhibition site.
Our public relations office is also covering the events of the week. We
will continue updating you as the events unfold.

Summary of some of the activities are:

1. Workshops on:

· Plagiarism- Took place on 15th October 2010

· Referencing Techniques- Use of Internet based softwares for creating bibliographies- Took place on 18th October

· Web 2.0 tools for learning and teaching

Find attached a copy of the programme for the workshops

2. A retreat for 50 students who are working the library - took place on 20th October 2010

3. A beauty pageant to select open access ambassadors

4. Exhibition of open access promotional materials at our graduation pavilion

5. A documentary of the events of the OA week done by students from the JKUAT Mass Communication Department

6. Training on open resources

7. Exhibition of open source softwares

8. Competion on the most creative open access message.

9.The students have also designed promotional posters, invitation cards and a banner that has been pl

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