Open Access Week

October 23 - 29, 2023 | Everywhere

The JKUAT open access week finally took place!! We were able to successfully carry out all the planned activities. The facilitators of the workshops on plagiarism, referencing tools and web web 2.0 did a superb job. The workshops were very informative. They elicited interesting debates such as whether the students were ready to have their work run through the plagiarism detector softwares in preparation for uploading on the proposed JKUAT institutionary repository. The exhibition had visitors inspite of the fact that it was a busy week for students since many of them had continuous assessments tests (CATS) during this week. The students helped man the exhibition sites. They worked side by side with the JKUAT library staff. It was a joy to watch them pass on the message of open access to their lecturers. Their enthusiasm was infectious. The climax of this week was the beauty pageant which was organised to select the JKUAT open access ambassadors. This was organised by the students. The outfits were so creative!! One of the participants used bandanas we had made to use during the week to come up with an outfit. The pageant was so well organised and choreographed. The students surpassed all our expectations especially given that they had such a short time to prepare. We plan to upload some of these photos. Kudos to our students and all the JKUAT library staff making it such a success. We believe we did our bit in advocating for open access and creating awareness and sensitization.

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