Open Access Week

October 23 - 29, 2023 | Everywhere

DSpace Open Access repository development in Africa: Mozambique, Senegal

Mozambique, Senegal This is the third of a five-part series that looks at Open Access repository development in twelve African countries in celebration of Open Access Week Oct. 24-30, 2011. The first part (Botswana, Ethiopia and Ghana) may be found here: Part two (Kenya, Malawi) may be found here

The series is co-authored by Iryna Kuchma, Open Access Programme manager, EIFL ( and EIFL-OA country coordinators: Netsanet Animut, Addis Ababa University and Chair of the Consortium of Ethiopian Academic and Research Libraries, Charles Banda, Copperbelt University, Zambia, Aissa Mitha Issak, Universidade Pedagógica, Mozambique, Gloria Kadyamatimba, Chinhoyi University of Technology Library, Zimbabwe, Richard B. Lamptey, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Ghana, Fredrick Kiwuwa Lugya, Makerere University Library, Uganda, Reason Baathuli Nfila, University of Botswana Library, Rosemary Otando, University Nairobi, Kenya, Kondwani Wella, Kamuzu College of Nursing, University of Malawi and Carol Minton Morris, DuraSpace.


Contributing to sharing global knowledge

SABER ( – the Mozambican Open Access repository ( was launched in November 2009 by Centro de Formação Jurídica e Judiciária, Universidade Eduardo Mondlane and Universidade Politécnica. Within a year of operations, three more higher education institutions joined the project, namely, Instituto Superior de Ciências e Tecnologia de Moçambique, Universidade Pedagógica and Universidade São Tomás de Moçambique.
SABER has been supported by the Ministry of Education and Culture under the Fund for Improvement of Quality and Innovation - QIF and Sida / SAREC.
SABER currently holds 2,519 items including theses and dissertations, journal articles and conference papers from Mozambican researchers. More visibility, coupled with the knowledge that the material can be read worldwide, has led to a greater awareness about the quality of work presented by researchers. SABER provides assurance for long term preservation, especially for gray literature, much of which currently disappears from libraries and university departments. Most importantly, SABER contributes to a desire by Mozambicans to move away from being only a consumer of information and to also be able to contribute to global knowledge sharing. Other factors of success include identifying repository champions to help advocate to university management and faculty.
Technical support and advice is generously provided by the University of Minho in Portugal.
See a case study SABER: a unique and innovative FOSS Open Access Repository:


Open Access to cultural heritage collections and audiovisual material

Biens Culturels Africains ( is an Open Access institutional repository of Institut Fondamental d’Afrique Noire Cheikh Anta Diop de l’Université. Current publications (research articles, journals, books and manuscripts), cultural heritage collections and audiovisual material are publicly available. The project is implemented in partnership with l’Université de Toulouse II-Le Mirail and with financial support from Fonds francophone des inforoutes and le Ministère français des affaires étrangères.

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