A coordinated Open Access movement in Ethiopia is at its infancy stage with only few institutions contributing their research and heritage output to the global knowledge resources. However, we hope to increase the momentum with many librarians, information professionals, journal editors, and scientists advocating for opening up research and educational data and information.
The Addis Ababa University with support from the International Network for the Availability of Scientific Publications (INASP) is organizing various events during the Open Access Week from 22 - 26 October, 2012. The theme of the event will be “Set the Default to Open Access: Open Access to Scholarly Information as a Means to Strengthening Education, Research and Development”. There are presentations, showcases, and discussion of policy issues for open access. Although this event will be conducted at the Addis Ababa University, other universities in the Country will have the chance to participate via video conference.
Website: http://www.aau.edu.et
Country: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Members: 6
Latest Activity: Oct 25, 2012
This group does not have any discussions yet.
We had an interesting open access policy debate Yesterday and am very excited to see most academicians who are willing to open up their research output for public use under the open access principles.
Our showcase of open access products has attracted quite a number of researchers.
The first workshop as part of the open access week event has been conducted this morning. We were able to advocate the importance of open access Vs the classical form of scholarly communication. Will have another workshop tomorrow morning on policy issues.
OA week celebration has been on but we've just postponed today's workshop for tomorrow due to some unforeseen circumstance. Which means the show case will continue as planned and will convene the workshop tomorrow morning. Please stay tuned as I will keep you posted of the developments.
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Open Access Week
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