Time: October 29, 2016 from 9:30am to 7pm
Country: United Kingdom
Street: 8 Lewisham Way, SE14 6NW
City/Town: London
Website or Map: https://openacademia.eventbri…
Event Type: workshop, seminar, hackathon
Organized By: Dr Caspar Addyman and Bianca Elena Ivanof, Goldsmiths, University of London
Latest Activity: Oct 17, 2016
Open research is much more than open access. It is about making all aspects of the research process open to all possible interested parties. It involves innovative approaches to communicating results and sharing outputs. It is about accessibility, inclusivity, citizen science, public engagement, radical transparency, reproducibility, data sharing, social media and more.
Supported by the British Academy, this event aims to inspire and educate researchers across all disciplines on how to benefit from opening up their research. Attendance is free, with free lunch, a free wine reception and great prizes to be won.
Keynotes (10 AM - 1 PM)
The morning session will feature short keynotes from champions of open research, including:
- Jo Barratt – Project manager of Open Knowledge Foundation Frictionless Data project
- Mark Carrigan – Sociologist & author of the book Social Media for Academics
- Sophia Collins – Founder of the Nappy Science Gang, a citizen science project that changed NHS policy.
- Gary Hall – Founder of the Open Humanities Press & author of Digitize this book (2008), Pirate Philosophy (2016) & The Uberfication of the University (2016)
- Simon Makin - Former neuroscientist turned science journalist who writes for Nature, Scientific American & New Scientist.
& others to be confirmed
Hackathon (1 PM - 5 PM)
The afternoon session will be organised as a “hackathon”. Keynote speakers and other experts will run hands-on workshops on a range of practical topics and be available to provide 1-on-1 advice.
Working in teams or individually attendees have 4 hours to take concrete steps to make their own research more open. Ideas include sharing a dataset, setting up a research blog or project website, planning an engagement project, pitching a news article, or creating a video biography or a podcast.
There are prizes for everyone who gives a presentation or uploads a project idea to conference website and several grand prizes for the judges’ and audience’s favourite ideas.
Presentations, prizes and wine reception (5 PM - 7 PM)
Judging panel chaired by Professor Nigel Vincent FBA, former British Academy Vice President for Research & HE Policy
We look forward to your attendance,
Caspar Addyman (Chair)
Bianca Ivanof (Coordinator)
Part of Open Access Week, 2016
Supported by British Academy Rising Star Engagement Award
Full details and schedule are to be found on https://osf.io/c7nyf/wiki/home/
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