Time: October 19, 2015 from 12pm to 2pm
Country: Netherlands (Holland, Europe)
Street: Erasmusplein 1
City/Town: Nijmegen
Website or Map: http://www.ru.nl/rr/openaccess
Event Type: discussion
Organized By: Radboud Reflects
Latest Activity: Oct 4, 2015
Who determines the rules when it comes to open access? What dilemmas do researchers, editors and administrators face?
Researchers want to publish in open access journals so they can reach as wide an audience as possible. But publication in a journal with a high impact factor and without open access often carries more prestige.
Should public funded research not automatically be accessible to all? Should the current publishing system be given a complete overhaul?
What are the advantages and drawbacks of open access and what does it take to make the system work? What opportunities are there to move all publishers towards open access and how can researchers, editors and universities contribute to this?
Give your anonymous opinion using a voting device and join the discussion from the perspective of an individual researcher, editor or university administrator.
Gerard Meijer, President of the Radboud University Executive Board, who negotiates with Elsevier on behalf of Dutch universities and is a fervent advocate of open access.
Johan Rooryck, professor of French Linguistics, will talk about how much scope the editorial boards of academic journals are given. How much autonomy do they have? How big is their impact?
Sarah de Rijcke, researcher at the Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS), will discuss how thinking in terms of impact factor affects the individual scientist.
Machteld van Egmond, doctoral candidate at the ENT department at Radboudumc
Martijn van Calmthout, executive scientific editor at Dutch newspaper De Volkskrant
The discussion will be held in English. Admission is free, but don't forget to register.
Unable to attend? Follow the livestream.
Admission is free. Registration and lunch from 11.30 hrs onwards.
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