Time: October 24, 2018 from 3pm to 4:30pm
Country: China
Street: Room 205, China National GeneBank, Dapeng, Shenzhen
City/Town: Shenzhen
Website or Map: https://goo.gl/maps/4GE5NGDW8…
Event Type: film, discussion
Organized By: Scott Edmunds, GigaScience
Latest Activity: Oct 18, 2018
English Details:
This year has been a turning point in how scientific knowledge is shared. Plan-S from many of the major funders in Europe (and likely to spread to global funders such as the Gates Foundation) have stated that by 2020, research funded by public grants must be published in true open access journals or platforms. Meaning that most European researchers currently would not be able to publish in Nature, Cell and Science. Over 500 organisations (including the Management Innovation & Evaluation Research Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences & GigaScience) have signed the DORA pledge not to use the flawed Journal Impact Factor. With the Chinese MOST also in the process of changing its policies with regards to these issue this will have big implications on research and collaboration in China as well. To help researchers in China understand the implications we are organising the first ever Open Access Week event at China National GeneBank, with a 1 hour film screening and Q and A.
Paywall: The Business of Scholarship(付费壁垒:学术生意),是一部着眼于科学研究对可开放获取需求的新纪录片,片中质疑了每年流入营利性学术出版商的252亿美元背后的缘由,调查了顶尖学术出版商Elsevier(爱思唯尔)关联的35-40%利润率,并研究了其利润率为何高于苹果、脸书、腾讯和谷歌等最盈利的科技公司。通过采访开放获取领域的顶尖人物,包括Sci-Hub创建者Alexandra Elbakyan,以期帮助观者对“为什么会发生这些变化,以及我们未来要何去何从”有一个全面的了解。
观影结束后,由开放获取倡导者和GigaScience执行主编Scott Edmunds进行现场问答,还有精美礼品和茶歇提供。欢迎大家前来观看!
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