Time: October 19, 2015 to October 25, 2015
Country: Ghana
Street: Berekuso
City/Town: Berekuso
Website or Map: http://www.ashesi.edu.gh
Phone: +233 208197049
Event Type: open, access, (oa), day
Organized By: Dinah Koteikor Baidoo
Latest Activity: Aug 24, 2015
Open Access gives free opportunity for people to write without having to get worried about where to publish and fees to pay. Another opportunity is to access articles free of charge.
The physical venue for demonstrating the use of Open Access resources is the library conference room. The main library ground floor will be used for displays of banners and posters whilst online posts of activities will be made on various social media sites. Materials and Open Access Resources will be given out.
Open-access resources are those that can be accessed by anyone at any time without restraint. When the resource is abundant relative to the demand for it, an open-access regime may not only be unproblematic, it may actually be the best management regime since it involves so little oversight.
However when the resource is scarce, open-access resources may be subject to excessive use. Since the user's claim over the resource is only established by "the rule of capture", users have an incentive to harvest as much as they can as rapidly as they can. Instead of more conservative behavior preserving the resource in this circumstance, it could simply lead to resource degradation as other users simply increase their share.
Open-access resources should be distinguished from common-property resources. Common-property resources may allow many users to share the resource, but they may also do so in a way that restricts access (either formally or informally) to levels that are sustainable. Cited by Tietenberg, T. (2006). Open access resources. Retrieved from http://www.eoearth.org/view/article/155050
Making Open Access Work for Authors, Institutions and Publishers by Rob Johnson.
A Report on an Open Access Roundtable Hosted by
Copyright Clearance Center, Inc.
Open Access is the free, immediate, online availability of research articles, coupled with the rights to use these articles fully in the digital environment. - See more at: http://www.sparc.arl.org/issues/open-access#sthash.Irudpsco.dpuf ;
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