Open Access Week

October 23 - 29, 2023 | Everywhere

In the preliminary program of Open Access for Earth scientists which will be held in Brest (France), I see the following:

"What is OPEN ACCESS publishing and advantages offered?"
I hope that OPEN ACCESS ARCHIVING is not forgotten!!!
Don't forget that Open Access = OA Publishing + OA Archiving
There is two ways of gaining Open access and too often the distinction is not cleary expressed : you publish in a periodical and you deposit (or self-archive) in an archive your peer reviewed article (the last accepted draft).
Hélène Bosc

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Hi Helene,

You are absolutely right! Green and Gold OA are both essential parts of the training both in 2009 ( and this year.

Having sais that, one critical error we, advocates of all forms of open access, tend to make recurrently is says too much and often drown the key message with information. I find that, with sceptical marine scientists at least, you have to step into their shoes and think like them if you are to succeed to attarct their attention and convince them to use OA. As such, it is not the HOW of open access that is important, but WHY and what is to gain for the author.

May be that explains the brief and cheeky way to hook potential scientists. It is not a full statement, but once people are hooked by it, then that gives us time to explain the detailed options and methods.

I appreciate your comment
Looking at your OA program for Earth scientists 2009, I have seen that the Green Road has not been forgotten, with Fred Merceur presenting his splendid archive Archimer. I wrote an article about it in 2008. Please see at I have seen also your PPts about the impact of OA on citations. Very pleased to see that at last a French scientist develop this subject at conferences. Have you read the recent Stevan Harnad 's studies? Please see at
A small synthesis of 2009 should be also useful : Maximizing and Measuring Research Impact Through University and Res.... See at

Coming back to the 2010 program, I do hope that the use of Open Access Publishing is only a misuse and that again you will be talking about Archiving.
Best wishes
Hélène Bosc
Hi Helene,

Thanks for the great resources!
You are right, I have my work cut out for me, Harnad, Swan and Co have published a lot in the last 12 months and there are quite a few papers I need to include in my Oct presentations.

Are you yourself planning to participate in any events in France or elsewhere?

Hélène Bosc said:
Looking at your OA program for Earth scientists 2009, I have seen that the Green Road has not been forgotten, with Fred Merceur presenting his splendid archive Archimer. I wrote an article about it in 2008. Please see at I have seen also your PPts about the impact of OA on citations. Very pleased to see that at last a French scientist develop this subject at conferences. Have you read the recent Stevan Harnad 's studies? Please see at
A small synthesis of 2009 should be also useful : Maximizing and Measuring Research Impact Through University and Res.... See at

Coming back to the 2010 program, I do hope that the use of Open Access Publishing is only a misuse and that again you will be talking about Archiving.
Best wishes
Hélène Bosc
Hi Ivo,
No, I am not planning to participate in any events during the Open Access week of October. But every week of the year can be an Open Access Week !!!


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