Open Access Week

October 23 - 29, 2023 | Everywhere

If academics talk only to academics then we don't get the message out as wide as we should. I have been trying to list groups outside academic who are seriously affected by the lack of access. Here are some posts - it would be useful to expand these. states the moral position.

and the concept of the "Scholarly Poor" - and several following posts.

I am not averse to simple sensationalism: I believe "people die because of closed access". That's certainly true in poor countries.

I have also created an allegory in pictures which I shall be showing to a wide range of non-academics at the Serpentine Marathon in London, hoping to get them upset. and see PDF or PPTX for the animated story.


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Ha - I was just about to post a link here to your brilliant "an allegory" so pleased to see that it's already here. :)

I like it when people come together and share thoughts. Great blog, continue the good work!
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