Open Access Week

October 23 - 29, 2023 | Everywhere


The JKUAT library is planning a series of activities geared towards creating sensitization and awareness of the open access movement and open access information resources during this week.  Some of these activities are:

        Training workshops

o   Plagiarism detector  and referencing techniques

o   Practical training on use of open resources

        Display of Leaflets, posters,  brochures, banners on notice boards and graduation

        Exhibition desk  to display OA promotional materials

        Participation in OA Blogs and discussion forums

        competitions on creative promotional activities


The JKUAT library will also be promoting the development of an OA repository for JKUAT to allow staff and students to share and disseminate research findings more effectively.


The entire JKUAT fraternity is invited to participate and come up with creative ways of participating. This may be through poems, cartoons, blogs, articles and other fun and creative activities with an OA
message. You can also sign up on  to
chat and post your messages. Please remember to include JKUAT in your message.
See also JKUAT library’s open resources on

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its gonna be our great makin


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