Open Access Week

October 23 - 29, 2023 | Everywhere

pro-OA inspirational quotes. Any webpage that features them?

I've started making a website featuring choice "why openaccess?" quotes to hopefully inspire people,

Anything like that already out there?



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I have a subset - focused on collaborative platforms in publishing - at .

Thanks, the page is interesting indeed. 

What about negative quotes regarding OA? I'm just curious, may be such stereotypes as "only cheese in mousetrap ir free" still influence part of academic community?

Good idea. Haven't you considered to include also the source, date, not only a name. Then a quote becomes a document.
The sources are almost all blog posts, and each one is linked to by the hyperlink associated with the name. To create a clean look, I didn't write the reference explicitly, but it seems it's not good enough if you didn't realize about the hyperlink.

I am donating two quotes to OA week:

"Open Access saves lives"

and not-quite-the-converse:

"Closed access means people die"


These are in



I think the negative is more useful as it jolts people into thinking about it. I have no problem about justifying this. It would be useful to try to get figures - the numbers are probably many thousands dead each year as a result of closed access.



thanks peter, I'll definitely add those!!

Yeah thanks also to peter, this is so usefull.

option binaire


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