Open Access Week

October 23 - 29, 2023 | Everywhere

Save this space! Online discussion coming October 3.

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Part of the reason for that is because UW is on quarters, not semesters, so our students just started classes last week.  That timing makes it a bit more difficult to get info disseminated to our university community prior to the start of OA Week.  So we're stretching out the time available for people to see the exhibit and putting in an area where people will almost stumble into it.
Really excited to hear about people's reactions to the Sticker Shock idea.  It sounds a lot like the Overprice Tags students put on journals at MIT in 2007.
Yes, very similar.  A Health Sciences library, I think at Maryland, did something along those same lines a few years ago.
I really love the Sticker Shock idea! It was discussed at our Steering Committee meeting. Will definitely distribute it to our members.
Really like the idea of this....
Also, our Open Access 101 video uses that same sticker shock idea.  Check it out here:
Harvard has had the same problem getting people (faculty) to attend events. Last year we invited people to a "faculty recognition" event where we highlighted about 50 faculty who deposited in our OA repository. The event was held at the campus pub and got some good attention. We are going to do this again this year. No speakers or presenters, just an informal gathering.
You have a campus pub?! We are so missing out here at Utah...we have to go all the way downtown :)  I like the informal gathering idea a lot.
Hi Sue, I think we had 45 at one event (of four) last year, but that was because a library school faculty member brought his class to that particular session.  20-25 attendees was more the norm at each session over the last three years.
Mel - what you say here really rings true for me in terms of getting buy-in from the media.  What you have planned for this year sounds really engaging - good luck!
Thanks Nicola.  All we knew was that what we had been doing DIDN'T seem to working very well, so we took a Monty Python approach of "And now for something completely different" this year.
Speaking of "sticker shock," I'd like to bring up the fact that the shipping costs for the OA Week materials I wanted to order from SPARC came to twice as much what the actual cost of the materials are! (And thus made them unaffordable on my budget.) I'd really advocate strongly for different shipping costs for smaller, less expensive materials like stickers.


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