Open Access Week

October 23 - 29, 2023 | Everywhere

WVU Libraries Participate in International Digital Library Projects

As we celebrate international open access week, the West Virginia University (WVU) Libraries remain at the forefront of global outreach in supporting research through the early adoption of digital library programs as well as sharing their knowledge and experience by providing assistance to schools interested in implementing electronic thesis and dissertation (ETD) programs and digital repository development to enhance scholarly communications.

In preparation for ETD 2012, the 15th international symposium on electronic theses and dissertations to be held in Peru in September 2012, promoted by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (NDLTD), a Peruvian national conference on digital theses and repositories was held last week in Lima, Peru, with over 125 participants attending from the region. WVU Libraries' ETD program coordinator and NDLTD Board member, John H. Hagen attended the conference to provide several keynote presentations and to assist with promotions for the forthcoming international ETD symposium.

A follow up news story about the conference was published in "El Comercio", one of Peru's leading national newspapers, in an article titled "Encouraging digitization of knowledge in Peru", by Bruno Ortiz (for El Comercio / Life & Future Column, Lima, Peru). Read the English translation of the article from the NDLTD news at At the end of the article there are links provided to the original story in Spanish as well as other related news stories.

For more information about the NDLTD and ETD 2012, visit


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