Open Access Week

October 23 - 29, 2023 | Everywhere

Webcast invitation: Open Access Week 2010 Kick-Off Planning Event

Open Access Week 2010 Kick-Off Planning Event
A SPARC Webcast
Date: Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Time: 12:00 - 1:00PM Eastern
There is no fee to attend. Please register by June 1 at

Open Access Week (OAW) 2010 has been declared for October 18th to 24th and promises to be the biggest event of its kind so far. Already, participation promises to exceed previous years’, which included hundreds of campuses and research organizations in dozens of countries.

The success of the event is due to both the progress of Open Access in the world and the efforts and commitment of individuals at institutions across the world. And, every year, participants gather to share experiences, lessons, challenges, and opportunities in using Open Access Week to create change at the local level.

Please join us June 2nd for an Open Access Week 2010 kick-off planning session to learn about this year’s plans and current resources, including the new Web site. We’ll also discuss how two teams worked successfully to capture the attention of policy makers, faculty, and others to advance change in 2009. Presenters will include:

• Andrew Waller, Licensing and Negotiations Librarian, Collections Services, University of Calgary – site of the first Canadian open-access publishing fund
• Jamaica Jones, Special Projects Librarian, National Center for Atmospheric Research – the first NSF-funded agency to adopt an open-access policy
• Jennifer McLennan, Open Access Week Program Director and Director of Programs & Operations for SPARC (the Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition)

The session will also be an opportunity to let the organizers know what you need, in terms of support and resources, and to chat online with colleagues.

There is no fee to attend. Please register by June 1 at

Open Access Week, a global event now entering its fourth year, is an opportunity for the academic and research community to continue to learn about the potential benefits of Open Access, to share what they’ve learned with colleagues, and to help inspire wider participation in helping to make Open Access a new norm in scholarship and research.

OA Week is an invaluable chance to connect the global momentum toward open sharing with the advancement of policy changes on the local level. Universities, colleges, research institutes, funding agencies, libraries, and think tanks have used Open Access Week as a platform to host faculty votes on campus open-access policies, to issue reports on the societal and economic benefits of Open Access, to commit new funds in support of open-access publication, and more.

Learn more about what you can do at

Jennifer McLennan
Director of Programs & Operations
(202) 296-2296 x121
Fax: (202) 872-0884
SPARC 2010 Digital Repositories Meeting
November 8 & 9 - Baltimore, MD
Open Access Week 2010
October 18 - 24. Everywhere.

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