To celebrate OA Week 2015, Scholastica will be running a special blog series - The Open Access Stories. Each day during OA Week we will be featuring interviews on the Scholastica blog with OA supporters including, journal editors, scholar advocates, and founders of open research initiatives, about how and why they support OA and what steps they believe need to be taken to further the OA movement.
The Open Access Stories series brings forth diverse perspectives, showing the many routes OA supporters are taking to reach the collective goal of achieving a future of open scholarship. We hope that together these interviews will help foster a dynamic OA Week discourse and encourage advocates around the world to share their own OA stories.
Join the Discussion! - Tweet #MyOAStory
We invite you to join us in sharing these OA stories as well as your own via social media. Share how you are involved in the OA movement, why you support it, and what steps you think still need to be taken to spread OA by using the hashtag #MyOAStory on Twitter and Facebook!
You need to be a member of Open Access Week to add comments!