Open Access Week

October 23 - 29, 2023 | Everywhere

Information from INASP website:

In 2013 INASP is encouraging our partner and network countries to use Open Access Week to showcase the activities that universities and research institutions within developing and emerging countries are planning and doing. Your activities might include: 

  • creating greater understanding of Open Access or the Open Access movement
  • increasing wider awareness and use of institutional repositories
  • promoting and providing training in Open Access resources
  • showcasing the open source software being used
  • using the opportunities provided by Open Access policies to create, share and improve access to information and electronic resources
  • having fun with your own competitions or displays

The above may be undertaken through library or faculty displays, training sessions, or producing materials/resources to share information about your activities — or other innovative ways you have found to reach research, faculty and library colleagues (such as social networking sites).

We are aware that finding budget to produce materials to promote Open Access and your own activities can be difficult, so INASP is hosting a competition that will provide winners with $500 to contribute towards these costs. There are 10 prizes to be won and the winners will also have the opportunity to share their Open Access activities with the INASP network through our websites and publications. All applicants may also to share ideas and get feedback.

  • Application Deadline: Friday 2nd August 2013
  • Successful applicants will be notified by: Monday 19th August 2013
  • Online application form
  • Winners’ reports must be submitted to INASP by: 14th November 2013

Eligibility: You must represent an institution or organisation from one of INASP’s partner or network countries to enter.  See our country pages for more information. 

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