OA Week is a time for stakeholders in scholarly communication to come together to discuss the present and future state of research access, as well as to initiate and facilitate activities promoting open scholarship. This year’s theme “Open for Whom? Equity in Open Knowledge” explores the importance of not only making research freely available, but also of the ways in which research is made open. The question “Open for whom?” encourages us to consider the significance of who will be able to not only read research online, but also who will be able to build off of OA content, to publish their research OA, and to take part in the development of present and future OA publishing models and solutions.
As the OA landscape continues to develop, it is clear that there is still much work to be done to ensure equitable OA now and in the future, but there are also significant advances being made. This OA Week, Scholastica wanted to take the time to highlight some of the many ways the academic community is actively promoting greater equity in all aspects of OA publishing, so we’ve rounded up 7 steps the community it taking towards more equitable OA. You can view the full blog post here.
We know that there are many more steps being taken towards research equity than what we’ve covered. We invite you to share additional steps to add to the post so we can keep it moving forward!
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