When it comes to the production and publication of scientific study, we know two things to be true—there can be no substitute for properly researched, peer-reviewed, and ethically adherent papers; and Open Access is here to stay. There are many in the debate over the present state and future playing field of scientific journal publishing that would tell you that these two truths are mutually exclusive. After thirty plus years in scientific research, education,…
ContinuePosted on October 25, 2016 at 10:49am
Great interview here from Retraction Watch (@RetractionWatch) about an adult submitting a child's paper for publication (as an experiment) -- and it being accepted: http://retractionwatch.com/2016/10/18/bats-are-really-cool-animals-how-a-7-year-old-published-a-paper-in-a-journal/.…
ContinuePosted on October 18, 2016 at 5:00am
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