At the Institute of Development Studies (IDS), we are running a short survey asking people about:
1. How do you access and consume research or information to help you with your work or studies?
2. Have you ever read our flagship publication, the IDS Bulletin? We want to know what you think!
3. What are your attitudes (and prejudices?) towards Open Access academic publishing?…
ContinuePosted on October 27, 2016 at 8:00pm
This year's International Open Access Week theme feels appropriate to the Institute of Development Studies (IDS) own open access endeavours over the course of 2016 which include re-launching its flagship publication as an open access journal, celebrating 20 years of the development portal Eldis and enhancing OpenDocs, our e-repository of development research. …
ContinuePosted on October 27, 2016 at 1:13am
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