Open Access Week

October 23 - 29, 2023 | Everywhere

I thought it would be good to hear about what other institutions are doing in Australia for OA Weeek. David, Elizabeth and Tinka are hosting an info session at NMIT Library's Greensborough Campus on Wednesday 20th. Paul Ashton and I will attend with our students from the Bachelor of Writing and Publishing to talk about some of the OA initiatives we're involved with (Open Humanities Press and
At one point we talked about coordinating with other academic libraries in Melbourne. It would be great if people posted here about their activities.

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Hi there - unfortunately, I've only just today (Weds) heard about Open Access Week. Maybe next year I'll be better prepared to participate! I'm a librarian at the University of the Sunshine Coast, & am new to the uni sector, so am just exploring this area now.


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