Hello,At Polytechnique Montreal Library, we share french and english Libguides on OA.In french :…Continue
Started by Madeleine Proulx Oct 20, 2016.
You are invited to participate in a series of FREE webcasts celebrating Open Access Week (Oct. 21-27, 2013). These webcasts will explore major issues and opportunities of Open Access and Open Educational Resources. Each session will feature an internationally known promoter and developer of open access and open educational resources research or ideas. Topics will include the following
and other issues relating to Open Access internationally. This event is sponsored by the UNESCO/Commonwealth of Learning Chair in Open Educational Resources (OER), Dr. Rory McGreal, the Council of Prairie and Pacific University Libraries (COPPUL), and Athabasca University Library.
For more information and links to the presentations, visit http://openaccess.athabascau.ca/
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Open Access Week
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Advisory Committee
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All content subject to a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License unless specified differently by poster. Created by Nick Shockey.
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