Open Access Week

October 23 - 29, 2023 | Everywhere

For Open Access Week 2012 DuraSpace Asks, "What Splendid Stuff is in YOUR Repository?"

During the week of October 21-28, 2012 the world will celebrate Open Access to a growing web of scholarly, scientific and cultural heritage resources and research outputs. Providing Open Access to resources is a badge of honor for institutions who freely share knowledge with the world over the Internet. Many of us may have a vague idea that what is held in repositories–digital facsimiles of books, papers, journals, photographs, scans of artworks and media. The general public has little knowledge of what specific types of interesting knowledge resources are held in Open Access repositories.

DuraSpace has collected more than 30 vignettes that tell some of the stories behind the surprising, amazing and eclectic materials that can be found in DSpace and Fedora repositories from around the world in the "For Your Repository Viewing Pleasure" series. These blog posts provide  views into repositories with pointers to notable collections.

Read "For Your Repository Viewing Pleasure" vignettes here:

In honor of Open Access Week DuraSpace would like to round up and publish more "For Your Repository Viewing Pleasure" stories to help answer the question, "What splendid stuff is in YOUR repository?"

Please send descriptions of your treasures, surprising special collections, interesting items, treasures, artifacts, and/or inspirational resources that are freely available from your Open Access repository to inspire, delight and inform. DuraSpace will highlight their availability in the coming year. Please contact Carol Minton Morris a href="">> for more information.

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