Open Access Week

October 23 - 29, 2023 | Everywhere

Save this space! Online discussion coming October 3.

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Ideas from Univ Utah:
This year’s events focus on remixing and reusing and reflects a first-time collaboration with a campus department in organizing events. A professor who teaches a new media course had heard about the library’s OA week events and contacted us about inviting Jonathan McIntosh, a video remix artist, as the keynote speaker. Jonathan created the Donald Duck meets Glenn Beck video that some of you may have heard about where he took clips from Donald Duck cartoons and mashed them up with excerpts from a Glenn Beck radio broadcast. You can see the video at Jonathan’s site His talk will focus on ways of using video to comment on pop culture and how fair use applies. In addition to the keynote, he’s also providing a workshop. The professor is requiring his students to come to the keynote. Yay!

We also have a panel on open textbooks with reps from the student body, associated student groups across the state, campus textbook buyer, and representatives from the library. I’m still hoping to get a faculty member.

We teach our Publishing SMART class every year which covers journal publishing, archiving, and copyright. We will also announce the second round of our Open Access Publishing Fund during the week. You can see the full list of events at
Who funds the Open Access Publishing Fund?  Library or other?
Hi Jim. The library fully funds it.

Hi! This is from Harvard's Sue Kriegsman, who is still waiting for her account approval:


Who is the audience that University of Utah is aiming at for their events? How do people draw in faculty to events?


Hi Sue. We're aiming at students this year and thought the remix/reuse theme would appeal to them. A lot of faculty have expressed interest in attending the OA textbooks panel so it really seems to depend on how relevant they feel the topic is to them. Last year's open access film festival was a pretty low draw, but our keynotes tend to bring in the attendees.
  • Contacting OA authors to present during OA Week and/or provide quotes for OAW blog posts
  • Open Access Week open house on Friday
  • Blog post each day  during OAW on benefits and issues regarding OA 
At BU, we are staffing an info table in the student union during OA week; making a prominent poster to promote the event and OA; and holding a Q&A on OA and publishing issues aimed principally at faculty.
(Sorry, can't edit the original comment anymore!) Jennifer, in reply to your query over the phone: the Q&A will be with Peter Suber, which we're pretty excited about!  I'll be putting more details on the web, and will put up a pointer on the events list on this site. Making publicity materials today, as it happens.

JHU will be offering 'events' on two campuses: JHMI, the medical campus, and Homewood, our more traditional college campus.

JHMI - information table with flyers and t-shirts. Blog posts.

Homewood - info table in library, blog posts

USFSP is having a faculty forum one afternoon during OA week, featuring T-shirt giveaways for faculty who have established collections in our IR. Also a brief presentation featuring this video and handing out some SPARC literature


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