Time: October 22, 2015 from 3:30pm to 4:30pm
Country: United States of America
Street: Hale Library
City/Town: Manhattan
Event Type: webinar, (zoom), panel
Organized By: Rebel Cummings-Sauls
Latest Activity: Oct 13, 2015
K-State Libraries’ Center for the Advancement of Digital Scholarship celebrates Open Access Week
K-State celebrates Open Access Week, Oct. 19-25, 2015, with expert insight on new federal research mandates.
This year’s theme is “Open for Collaboration,” which is doubly fitting, since K-State Libraries recently opened The Center for the Advancement of Digital Scholarship (CADS). On Thursday, October 22, CADS will host a discussion of recent federal open access mandates.
Researchers across campus are impacted by requirements that federal agencies with more than $100M in R&D expenditures create plans to make results of federally funded research freely available to the public. Accordingly, CADS has invited professionals from the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition (SPARC) and SHared Access Research Ecosystem (SHARE) to give their perspective on the OSTP Memo and the FASTR Act.
Each guest will speak for about 10 minutes, leaving room for discussion at the end.
For your convenience, you can join the discussion in person in Hale Library’s Hemisphere Room or via Zoom with meeting ID: 560 424 803.
3:30-4:30pm Central
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