Join us for a series of events (with tea, coffee and cakes) celebrating Open Access Week 2017 at the University of Sydney Library!
We are holding talks, drop-in sessions and social events from 23 to 27 October celebrating open access good news stories at Sydney University, and also looking at the ways that open access impacts research, education and publishing.
We have lined up a number of speakers to discuss copyright, open access publishing, open data and open education. At the drop-in sessions you can ask for advice and set up your ORCID profile. We will also be holding an ‘orange’ themed morning tea! So dig out some orange clothing and join in.
The theme for this year’s 10th International Open Access Week “Open in order to…” focuses on the benefits of open access for scholarship, education, policy and practice. So, what does “Open in order to…” conjure up in your mind? Why not come along to an event or two during Open Access Week and learn what we’re “Open to…
Click the link below to learn more:
What's On
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