Time: October 23, 2017 to October 26, 2017
Country: Ukraine
Street: Seminarska, 2
City/Town: 35800, Ostroh
Website or Map: http://lib.oa.edu.ua
Event Type: workshop
Organized By: Yuriy Kotsyuk
Latest Activity: Oct 22, 2017
Within the framework of the International Open Access Week, which this year is held under the slogan "Open in Order to ...", the Academic Scientific Library of the National University of Ostroh Academy organizes a series of workshops aimed at gaining knowledge, skills and abilities with the systems. This will help, using the philosophy of open access, improve access to researches and their results, find colleagues with a common scientific interest, make research and assess students' knowledge more transparently.
There are 3 workshops available:
Workshop # 1
Depositing Academic Contributions by Scientists at eprints.oa.edu.ua.
In practical lessons, our librarians will help scientists register with the system, as well as to properly post scientific publications.
Responsible persons: Halyna Tsepyuk, Natalia Denysenko
Date: October 23
Time: 3:30 PM
location: the Academic Scientific Library, electronic information hall
Workshop # 2
Self-declaration / rating of teachers at qa.oa.oa
In practical lesson you can get acquainted with the peculiarities of the system of Quality Analysis qa.oa.edu.ua, find out the problem issues, correctly enter the executed types of work, learn how to avoid typical mistakes.
Responsible person: Yuriy Kleban
Date: October 25
Time: 3:30 PM
location: Computer Lab #23
Workshop # 3
Using the gradebook in the Moodle
The workshop will help consider the main methods of work with the gradebook.
Main topics: grading of assignments and grading are considered in the gradebook; export and import of gradebook ratings; creating a gradebook based on assignments, quizzes, gradebook items; a review of the grades in the gradebook by a student, an activity, the gradebook as a whole, etc.; leaving comments on each grade; monitoring the process of personal grating by students.
Responsible person: Yuriy Kotsyuk
Date: October 26
Time: 3:30 PM
location: Computer Lab #23
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