Time: October 19, 2015 from 6pm to 7pm
Country: India
Street: Pune
City/Town: India
Website or Map: http://aissmscoe.com
Event Type: workshop
Organized By: Vrushali Dandawate
Latest Activity: Oct 14, 2015
All India Shri Shivaji Memorial Society’s
College of Engineering, Pune – 1
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ONE DAY Workshop
“Getting to know more all about Open Access”
19 October 2015
Open Access Week is getting celebrated all over the world from 19 October to 25 October 2015 Open Access is the free, immediate, online availability of research articles, coupled with the rights to use these articles fully in the digital environment. Over the past decade, Open Access has become central to advancing the interests of researchers, scholars, students, businesses, and the public as well as librarians.
The digital environment poses new challenges and provides new opportunities in the sharing, review, and publication of research results. Ensuring broad, unfettered access to the knowledge contained in primary research articles and the rights to use these articles fully will play a key role in seeing that the scholarly communication system evolves in a way that supports the needs of scholars and the academic enterprise as a whole. So everyone should aware of Open Access Movement
This workshop aims at sensitizing librarians and all faculty and students of AISSMS College of Engineering by giving them information about OPEN Access movement. This workshop will help them to learn more about Open Access, To Adopt Open Access Practices Help Educate Their Colleagues at their institutional Campus
The workshop Committee invites participants from India including practitioners, managers and researchers in library and information sciences and services, computer science, information science, web science, data science, data management, archives and archival science, museums, information technology, medicine, social sciences, education and humanities.
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